I am SO angry off at myself right now!


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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So stupid me thought: "Lets take all my decor out and restart before my plants come in and make it look natural." Well fast forward literally 3 hours later still standing up, back aching, and super frustrated, I dont know what the heck to do and my tank looks like the ugliest mad science experiement ever...
So stupid me thought: "Lets take all my decor out and restart before my plants come in and make it look natural." Well fast forward literally 3 hours later still standing up, back aching, and super frustrated, I dont know what the heck to do and my tank looks like the ugliest mad science experiement ever...
Oh no, what happened that it looks so bad?
Oh no, what happened that it looks so bad?
I just tried rearranging the stuff and now I wish I never did, the tank is cloudy and the decor is placed horribly.
Yah, well I cant seem to be happy with anything. My tank is a wreck. I need to make the dragon rock into natural looking caves for the gudgeons.
I never seem to be happy with my decor, so I tend to stick with anything that looks okay, and not touch it.
Yah, well I cant seem to be happy with anything. My tank is a wreck. I need to make the dragon rock into natural looking caves for the gudgeons.
I once took little plastic tubes from the hardware store, then covered it in super glue and rolled it in sand. I then glued rock shards to the outside. Had them for just a day, then a co worker bought them from me for her reptile enclosure. I had based it off of something I saw on pintrist. I wish I had gotten pictures...
I once took little plastic tubes from the hardware store, then covered it in super glue and rolled it in sand. I then glued rock shards to the outside. Had them for just a day, then a co worker bought them from me for her reptile enclosure. I had based it off of something I saw on pintrist. I wish I had gotten pictures...
You don't understand... The pipes would be too obvious, I just want enough caves for 3 gudgeons... Do I have to have 3 for 3 gudgeons? Or can I make just 2 caves... Or maybe only do 2 peacock gudgeons but I really want 3...
You don't understand... The pipes would be too obvious, I just want enough caves for 3 gudgeons... Do I have to have 3 for 3 gudgeons? Or can I make just 2 caves... Or maybe only do 2 peacock gudgeons but I really want 3...
If you ever want to see them, you will want 2 or 3 hiding spots per fish. The more hiding places they have, the more confident the gudgeons will be and the more they will be out and about.
If you ever want to see them, you will want 2 or 3 hiding spots per fish. The more hiding places they have, the more confident the gudgeons will be and the more they will be out and about
Woo hoo for me... Now I got to make 9 hiding spots... I cant wait to have an aching back for 9 hours
Woo hoo for me... Now I got to make 9 hiding spots... I cant wait to have an aching back for 9 hours
Sorry for increasing the workload... When I did my puffer tank, I found it looked nicer the more rock I put in. Looked more natural, I guess
Sorry for increasing the workload... When I did my puffer tank, I found it looked nicer the more rock I put in. Looked more natural, I guess
Its fine, I'm just in a cruddy mood
Been there, done that. I think with pretty much any tank I have ever owned :)

It's frustrating for sure to spend a lot of time and energy on something and it to come out looking worse. It's part of the process though so just try and enjoy it. If its getting frustrating and annoying just leave it and walk away. You can't be creative/productive when your frustrated.

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