Hydor Theo Heater 400w


New Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Fresno, Ca
I am having problems with my heater...I think? The light continues to go on for about a minute then off for a minute. Is this due to slowly heating the tank or is there something wrong with it. I thought the the light should stay on until the temperature was achieved, but maybe not. Please help my water temperature was suffering from my old heater that I just replaced and I want to make sure the fish do not suffer more cold water.
Sounds normal to me... water is surprisingly "linear" the heat will sit in levels unless disturbed.... so the heater WILL turn on/off until an equilibrium is achieved in the whole tank :good: (providing there IS water movement...)
The Hydor Theos will not just stay on until the water is up to temperature. They click on and off at regular intervals, a sort of PID control effect. This is a good thing IMO because the increase in temperature is more gradual. It also increases the life span of the heating element.

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