Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

It's like I've emerged from a long tunnel into the light at long last :)

Thanks must go to everyone who had helped or offered words of encouragement along the way. We currently have 6 harlequin rasboras and two white mollies (not my choice, but that's what SWMBO liked) Still planning to get some cardinal tetras in a few months.

The fish already have a sixth sense for when they're about to be fed and their individual personalities are starting to come through too!
I love it when I can observe a new tank full of fish. It seems that each new tank of fish takes on its own personality. Some tanks have very hungry and begging fish while others have populations that almost ignore the fish feeder. There are even tanks of fish where the fish run and hide when you are there to feed them but if they lose track of you, they will come out to feed. Those shy fish are sometimes the most beautiful of the bunch.
:lol: I'll bet Doug's rasboras are not shy when it comes to feeding time. Mine get so wild at feeding time that I almost want to close the the top to keep them from jumping out on one of their divebomb runs for surface flakes. They've been with me for these last several years now and their colors are awesome.

:lol: I'll bet Doug's rasboras are not shy when it comes to feeding time. Mine get so wild at feeding time that I almost want to close the the top to keep them from jumping out on one of their divebomb runs for surface flakes. They've been with me for these last several years now and their colors are awesome.


I think given half a chance they would probably jump into my hand and eat the food from there! And it's great to see how much they've filled out since I bought them, the colours are really helped by the black background and substrate too!

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