humane ways to kill sick fish

Samage said:
people say a blender would be inhumane, and I've never tried it myself...

...but if you don't mind mess, I reckon it would be an almost-perfect method of killing. It decapitates and destroys the brain and body in less than 2 seconds, thus little if any pain. Perfect! If I had an old blender not used for food, I'd consider it if I had a sick fish beyond help. If you added some water before switching on, you could simply empty your liquified fish down the sink afterwards, rather than scraping it off the inside as you would if you just put the fish in.
2 seconds could seem like a life time when u die like if somebody held ur hand in a pot of boiling water for a sec i mean that second would seem like forever to me. and as for the mess how could u worry about something like dat u just turned ur fish into a smoothie for god sake
For fish about four inches and smaller: Put the fish in a cup, take the cup out to the yard, pour the fish onto the ground, and stomp fast and hard with the heel of your boot/shoe.

Gauranteed to cause instant death.

Wear old shoes.
If you're going to stomp on it, shouldn't you put the fish in a bag so your shoes don't get all fish gutsy?
When I have had to euthanase fish due to dropsy or other incurable conditions....this is what I do...

I take the fish out of the water, place it in a paper towel....fold the paper towel over it....then...BANG!!.....the BF calls it the fist of death!!

It kills instantly....and you don't have to actually watch the process
i dont want to sound cruel but why are people looking for ways to kill fish painlessly, if you are going to kill them for whatever reason then it shouldnt mtter i mean tehy arent gonna tell you they are in pain are they i have never killed one but i want to but i cant be botheres and the ones i want to kill have sentimental value as theyw ere my first
Hmm, I haven't commented in this thread really until now. I feel I must though.


show me proof that fish suffer when they are frozen. As we all SHOULD know, fish bodies adapt according to the temperature of their environment. A fish will not know when they are being frozen to death...they will simply....go to sleep. Although clove oil would theoretically work, and is a very good idea, I am not going to go out and buy some just for my fish.


Maybe keeping fish isn't for you if you are not willing to buy something specifically for your fish. What about things like water conditioner? Do you have some other purpose for that?

I think it is stupid to question things like this for the sake of a few pence. They will not simply go to sleep, they will pass out eventually and I really don't like that in a later post you say that 'fish cannot be compared to humans'. As yet we can't communcate with fish so IMHO it's better to overestimate them rather than risk un-necessary suffering.

I don't mean to be offensive but FFS!

Modern Hamlet:

It's the least you can do for a dying friend.

Oh, and I really hope that you people who are talking about blenders are being 'funny'. -_-
Ya, the blender thing is hideous....

You're using your nice shiny're mixing drinks for some friends when they see this OTHER blender sitting up on a shelf, way way up looks looks powerful.....why aren't you using that they ask??.......It's sitting up on a's black and has a sign hanging on it saying.......Capital Punishment for Fish....... :lol: :sick: -_- :sick:


The freezing method is would take longer for a cup with a fidgety fish in it to freeze......rivers don't freeze because there is constant movement.....even if your fish is sloshing around a little bit....I'm sure it could slow down the process......and I once had a referigerator that took ALL night to freeze icecubes solid...... :sick: :sick: NO WAY could I EVER do that to one of my fish.....freezing is painful and it would be painful to a dog, a bird, a fish...what have you!!! Just MHO.
Well i can't say i like some of those methods, there are "nicer" ways, just my 2 pence worth ;)
I don't know whether this method is kind or not really, but whenever I get a really sick fish then I go to the bathroom and flush it down the toilet.. :sad:
Fishkeeper2004 said:
I don't know whether this method is kind or not really, but whenever I get a really sick fish then I go to the bathroom and flush it down the toilet.. :sad:
Don't even go there :no:
Fishkeeper2004 said:
I don't know whether this method is kind or not really, but whenever I get a really sick fish then I go to the bathroom and flush it down the toilet.. :sad:
Please read the above thread, Fishkeeper. Flushing is quite possible the least humane thing you could do. Please consider another method, like decapitation or anaesthesia.

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