humane ways to kill sick fish

LoveMyOscar said:
Bashing them in the head is risky and you run the risk of not killing them right off. Same with cutting off the head. Have you ever went fishing for cat fish? I have and those things won't die. You can cut off their heads and they will still flop around for a good 30 mins. I have heard (never used this method but have heard about it) about one method that will kill them FAST! I would say just about instantly. Take the fish out of the tank and put it in a container with some tank water then pour some kind of clear liquor like Vodka or Tequlia in with it. The fish will go numb then die. There is no pain and they die so quick it is one of the more humane ways to kill a fish.

This method was found accidently. A guy I know had some really nice, very expensive fish and he had one of those wild parties when he was younger (and stupid). Anyway, while at this party one of his 'friends' got really drunk and thought it would be funny to let the fish get drunk also. He poured his vodka on the rocks drink in the tank and the fish stopped moving and were all dead within a very few mins. Now this was just one glass (probably about 8 - 10 oz.) in a 40 gallon aquarium. If you add this amount to a small container the results would be almost instant.

I was telling this story on another forum I am a member of and some of the members said they had used this method and it is by far the quickest and most humane way to go. :)
What a waste.... :no:
you could be drinking that :nod:
A lot of people use the method of Freezing as an euthansia(did i spell this right?), cause they don't feel pain this way as I was told, I had to do this with 2 Discus and believe me it's a lot easier than just cutting their head off, I don't like the feeling of their slime on my hands....
show me proof that fish suffer when they are frozen. As we all SHOULD know, fish bodies adapt according to the temperature of their environment. A fish will not know when they are being frozen to death...they will simply....go to sleep. Although clove oil would theoretically work, and is a very good idea, I am not going to go out and buy some just for my fish.

If somebody can give me hard evidence that I am wrong, then maybe I will change my ways. Or, on the other hand, if anyone has been a fish in their past life, and they can tell me from experience, then let me know what you know. Otherwise, I am going to keep on doing it my old fashioned way. Maybe I just started a big argument, but I don't think there's a point to people looking down on people because of the way they kill their (already sick and dying) fish. The fish is already dying, and there is not much worse you can do for it!! If the fish isn't already dying, then what the hell are you trying to kill it for?? The way I see it, no matter how you kill your fish, the fish is better off dead than sick and dying. Feel free to bash on me for voicing my opinion...I don't mind a little disagreement!

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :rip:
You cannot compare fish to humans. Our bodies react completely different. Human bodies regulate their own temperature. Your feet would definitely start hurting because the temperature difference is much different than the rest of your body. As for me personally, I would rather be shot in the head, as would you. Do you have any proof that fish suffer? My theory seems to make much more sense to me, and I am obviously not the ONLY one that thinks so. All you are basing your idea on is your thoughts as a human. That is the reason I ask for hard proof!! I am sure there was a scientific study at one time or another of the least painful way to kill a fish!

And, to add to my comments: Just like you, LoveMyOscar,

~All posts made by me are not meant to be rude or harsh. Just the facts~
swammy said:
Or, on the other hand, if anyone has been a fish in their past life, and they can tell me from experience, then let me know what you know.
Thanks swammy that just made reading this entire thread worth it :thumbs:

I think freezing fish is fine, they black out and die. Its painless in my opinon, although I cant really find a reason why you would want to commit euthanasia on one of your finned friends :dunno:
*cough* -_-

According to the AVMA, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the following are acceptable methods for euthanasia of fish:

Barbiturates, inhalant anesthetics, CO2, tricaine methane sulfonate (TMS, MS 222), benzocaine hydrochloride, 2-phenoxyethanol

Conditionally Acceptable:
Decapitation and pithing, stunning and decapitation/pithing


Please note that "slow freezing" is not even discussed.

In other words, there are more clear-cut and professionally accepted methods of euthanizing fish than putting them in your freezer. Please consider using one of those.

Thank you.

drobbins27 said:
I think freezing fish is fine, they black out and die. Its painless in my opinon, although I cant really find a reason why you would want to commit euthanasia on one of your finned friends :dunno:
People don't usually want to commit euthanasia. They do it because it'll end their sick fish's suffering, instead of selfishly letting the fish live a life in pain.
drobbins27 said:
Samage said:
One word: Blender. Not pretty but damn near guaranteed instant!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wow, im laughing so hard im guys ever see "duece bigalo male gigalo"? Poor LionFish :(

By the way, do you actually use a blender?

I dont kill my fish, I dont really know any situations where that would be the best decision :/
Of course not :p
What about the brick on the head method? I have a fish that has been lying on the bottom of my hospital tank for a week. I am not going to cut off its head no matter how humane it is. I just couldn't bring myself to go at it with a pair of scisors or a sharp knife. It's going to die I and I don't want it to suffer.
I can't imagine lovingly taking out one of my little fishie friends :wub: who I feel needs to be put down and then chopping it's head off. If other people can do that more power to you, it at least instant. I can't even kill bugs, I catch them and take them outside. I don't know, lopping somethings head off just sounds a little evil to me :eek:sama: I guess I just compare fish with my other pets to much; if one of my dogs were suffering I wouldn't take it out to the woodshed with an axe. To each their own...

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