humane ways to kill sick fish


Fish Addict
Feb 3, 2004
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UK Peterborough (80 miles north of london)
O.K freezing ur fish is not humane who ever said this shoud be shot. he\she caused fishes worldwide to suffer the.

the best ways do do it is either.
1) go to ur vet or LFS and get some fish anastetic something like koi kalm(in the UK) and follow the instructons

2) get some pure clove oil and a i liter container with a lid on it and fill it with water put about 20-30+ drops of clove oil in and shake it till it goes clowdy and put ur fish in a container of water and put some of this solution in it the fish should get sluggish and go to sleep and sink (or float) now this is when u put the fish in the neat solution u mixed up. this method is the clove oil method. it's cheap and painless i had to use it once. if u wanna make sure it doesn't wake up after us berried it get a knife and chop its head off (just before the spine starts) u won't hurt it as its asleep.

If there are othe methods of killing ur fish painlessly i'd like to hear it.
O.K freezing ur fish is not humane who ever said this shoud be shot.

That's an ironic statement... Like pro life advocates who snipe abortion doctors, or animal rights people who wear leather shoes.

Go to the pinned euthanasia thread.
jeef said:
One word...Firecrackers :cool:

just kidding


I was going to say something about freezing them, but I don't want to start a war here so I'll refrain. ;)
Or bash them on the head with a large hammer or any other hard heavy object.
Have you ever used baking soda, its supposed to put them to sleep.
Shizat said:
Have you ever used baking soda, its supposed to put them to sleep.
Wouldn't that mean that most Rift Lake tanks would be full of dead fish? Sorry. Baking soda is not an acceptable method of Euthenasia. :no:


There are three commonly accepted forms of humane euthanasia for fish.

1. Concussion and pithing
2. Decapitation and pithing
3. Proper anaesthetic overdose
It's not something I have had to do, if a fish is really sick I prefer to take it out of the tank to prevent it from being harassed and putting it in a dark container to die in peace.

If I felt I had to do it then I would use the clove oil method. I do not agree with physically battering the fish to death or cutting off it's head. That seems like a nasty way to go and things like being out of water would frighten the fish at a time when there's nothing it can do.

Oh and I agree with modernhamlet, baking soda is not going to kill a fish quickly or painlessly if at all. As far as I am aware baking soda is actually used in some aquariums for proper purposes.

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