Hullo! Brand new to forum, wanna see my first tank? Suggestions welcome!

I know the feeling after many years of only having plastic plants:dunno: I now only have live plants, I just bought 3 more today for my tetra tank. :cool:

My dad would have killed me if I'd gone with plastic plants, lol. He's a bit snobby about only having live plants, even though he's mostly lost interest in his own tank. When I was setting up my own tank, he was vocally opposed to me getting guppies since he doesn't really like them, despite those being the only fish I had my heart set on. I had to remind him that I'm in my 30s now, and quite capable of choosing which fish and substrate I'd like, lol. My folks also used to own an aquatics business, so they did know a great deal, and I would pick their brains for advice, but my dad is in his 80s now, the business closed almost 40 years ago, and a lot of aquarium advice has changed since then, or they've forgotten things. I really enjoy gardening too though, so knew I'd want to work with live plants.

What plants did you get yesterday? Can I go somewhere to see photos of your tank(s)?
They are beautiful, but from what I hear they can be very sensitive to water parameters. They require a low pH and warm water. They require warmer water Temperatures than the other fish I wish to keep, so maybe some day I will set up another tank for warmer water fish.

Yeah, I decided they were above my skill level when I read a bit more about them. I feel confident about the nitrogen cycle and keeping my tank pretty stable, but really need to learn more about hard/soft water, gH, gH, TDS and stuff like that before I add another tank or new fish. It's why I searched out this forum, so I could learn some more. I'm pretty sure we all have a mental list of what other fish we'd like to keep, or what tank we'd like to set up next!
My dad would have killed me if I'd gone with plastic plants, lol. He's a bit snobby about only having live plants, even though he's mostly lost interest in his own tank. When I was setting up my own tank, he was vocally opposed to me getting guppies since he doesn't really like them, despite those being the only fish I had my heart set on. I had to remind him that I'm in my 30s now, and quite capable of choosing which fish and substrate I'd like, lol. My folks also used to own an aquatics business, so they did know a great deal, and I would pick their brains for advice, but my dad is in his 80s now, the business closed almost 40 years ago, and a lot of aquarium advice has changed since then, or they've forgotten things. I really enjoy gardening too though, so knew I'd want to work with live plants.

What plants did you get yesterday? Can I go somewhere to see photos of your tank(s)?

Yeah, I decided they were above my skill level when I read a bit more about them. I feel confident about the nitrogen cycle and keeping my tank pretty stable, but really need to learn more about hard/soft water, gH, gH, TDS and stuff like that before I add another tank or new fish. It's why I searched out this forum, so I could learn some more. I'm pretty sure we all have a mental list of what other fish we'd like to keep, or what tank we'd like to set up next!
I just picked up some hornwort and moneywort to deal with possible ammonia. Here is a picture of my 55 gallon tetra tank before I changed it from gravel to sand. I also was in the process of lowering the hardness of the water with RO . I had beautiful long anacharis that formed an arch, it melted possibly because of me softening water. I started at 134 ppm and the water is now at 60ppm hardness.


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I just picked up some hornwort and moneywort to deal with possible ammonia. Here is a picture of my 55 gallon tetra tank before I changed it from gravel to sand. I also was in the process of lowering the hardness of the water with RO . I had beautiful long anacharis that formed an arch, it melted possibly because of me softening water. I started at 134 ppm and the water is now at 60ppm hardness.
I can see the arch! Sorry to hear it melted back, that sucks :( Maybe you can make a new one with a different plant? Can woods like a thin wicker go into a tank? I could see making an arch from something like that, or even wire that's covered in airline airline tubing for safety, then training a plant to wrap around it. I like the way the tetra were swimming around that arch and catching the light, pretty.

That's a lot of gravel... that cannot have been an easy job! I find gravel vac-ing my dad's 55 gal hurts my arms and back by the time I'm done with that and water changes. It's just a little too high for me to reach the bottom comfortably. I think I'd be laid up for a week after rescaping a tank that size :D
I can see the arch! Sorry to hear it melted back, that sucks :( Maybe you can make a new one with a different plant? Can woods like a thin wicker go into a tank? I could see making an arch from something like that, or even wire that's covered in airline airline tubing for safety, then training a plant to wrap around it. I like the way the tetra were swimming around that arch and catching the light, pretty.

That's a lot of gravel... that cannot have been an easy job! I find gravel vac-ing my dad's 55 gal hurts my arms and back by the time I'm done with that and water changes. It's just a little too high for me to reach the bottom comfortably. I think I'd be laid up for a week after rescaping a tank that size :D
I am still a little sore, it was a lot of work. here is what the tank looks like today. The water has cleared up nicely but I know there will be a bacteria bloom soon. I also replaced the anacharis with salvinia. Tetras come form South American jungle streams so they are use to shade. I always try and have some floating plants but with C-19 it has been hard to find any. I had a hard time buying salvinia and was tempted to walk down to the river below where I live and collect some duckweed.


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Very nice tank! :wub: You are right about the sword, and it will need root tabs as it is a heavy root feeder and maybe you'd like to get vallisneria spiral to your tank? Get one bunch and you will get couple of these plants and will propagate fast too and will create a nice jungle for fish to explore. I got some for my betta recently and he seems to like it.
I am still a little sore, it was a lot of work. here is what the tank looks like today. The water has cleared up nicely but I know there will be a bacteria bloom soon. I also replaced the anacharis with salvinia. Tetras come form South American jungle streams so they are use to shade. I always try and have some floating plants but with C-19 it has been hard to find any. I had a hard time buying salvinia and was tempted to walk down to the river below where I live and collect some duckweed.
Wow! I really like the new substrate! Are you sure that's only a 55 gallon? It looks huge! lol. I'd be sore after doing all that too, it's a big job. Least you won't have to do it again for a while!

Oh god... not duckweed! I highly recommend you don't go there! Regret ever having it come into contact with any of my tanks, you can never get rid of it again. Place ads on Craigslist, every fish forum, call every store - heck, I'd be happy to give anyone some water lettuce from my tanks, it propagates so fast. Anything to avoid duckweed! Plus I'd be worried about introducing hydra or dragonfly larvae to my tanks. Think of the baby platies!
That was a last resort for me too, I have heard many members warn about how it is hard to get rid of. I have had a damselfly nymph kill several of my shrimp and he got in though plants I bought. I have thought about it for my RES turtles, I heard they like to eat it and they can easily deal with most critters that sneak in. I ordered several different types of floating plants but today all the LFS was able to get for me was one small order of salvinia. Everything else is on extended back order. I also have plants on back order from suppliers on Ebay.
That was a last resort for me too, I have heard many members warn about how it is hard to get rid of. I have had a damselfly nymph kill several of my shrimp and he got in though plants I bought. I have thought about it for my RES turtles, I heard they like to eat it and they can easily deal with most critters that sneak in. I ordered several different types of floating plants but today all the LFS was able to get for me was one small order of salvinia. Everything else is on extended back order. I also have plants on back order from suppliers on Ebay.
That sucks, I'm sorry :( Not easy with the way things are right now. You're not in the UK, are you? Would be happy to send some water lettuce within the UK,had to throw away handfuls of it the other week because there was just too much overtaking the tops of all three tanks. Surely other people in the hobby have the same issue. Have you tried reddit? r/aquaswap can be great for things like this.
That sucks, I'm sorry :( Not easy with the way things are right now. You're not in the UK, are you? Would be happy to send some water lettuce within the UK,had to throw away handfuls of it the other week because there was just too much overtaking the tops of all three tanks. Surely other people in the hobby have the same issue. Have you tried reddit? r/aquaswap can be great for things like this.
That would be great but unfortunately I am in the USA. Years ago I hiked around England and walked the streets of London but I was much younger then.

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