I know the feeling after many years of only having plastic plantsI now only have live plants, I just bought 3 more today for my tetra tank.
My dad would have killed me if I'd gone with plastic plants, lol. He's a bit snobby about only having live plants, even though he's mostly lost interest in his own tank. When I was setting up my own tank, he was vocally opposed to me getting guppies since he doesn't really like them, despite those being the only fish I had my heart set on. I had to remind him that I'm in my 30s now, and quite capable of choosing which fish and substrate I'd like, lol. My folks also used to own an aquatics business, so they did know a great deal, and I would pick their brains for advice, but my dad is in his 80s now, the business closed almost 40 years ago, and a lot of aquarium advice has changed since then, or they've forgotten things. I really enjoy gardening too though, so knew I'd want to work with live plants.
What plants did you get yesterday? Can I go somewhere to see photos of your tank(s)?
They are beautiful, but from what I hear they can be very sensitive to water parameters. They require a low pH and warm water. They require warmer water Temperatures than the other fish I wish to keep, so maybe some day I will set up another tank for warmer water fish.
Yeah, I decided they were above my skill level when I read a bit more about them. I feel confident about the nitrogen cycle and keeping my tank pretty stable, but really need to learn more about hard/soft water, gH, gH, TDS and stuff like that before I add another tank or new fish. It's why I searched out this forum, so I could learn some more. I'm pretty sure we all have a mental list of what other fish we'd like to keep, or what tank we'd like to set up next!