Huge Huntsman Trying To Get My Fish!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't even look at the pics properly. If I found one of them in the house you'd be able to hear the screams within a ten mile radius and I could never live in that house again!!! I am a complete spider wimp, I am absoluely terrified of them. Check my bed every night!! They are the worst creatures on God earth. I wont even allow a fly in my home just in case it attracts a spider in doors.
OMG! I'd die a quick death if I saw that thing in the house! I live in a rural state in the US... We do have problems sometimes with what we just call "Daddy Long Legs" which is a common house spider - but it just has needle thin legs and the body is about 1/4 the size of a flat pushpin. They are mostly legs - and certainly not big enough to appear furry! I once read that pound for pound, our "Daddy Long Legs" common spideys are extremely venemous - of course that's relative - they supposedly have such small pinchers that they cannot even bite through human skin, nor do they try. Guess everything is bigger in Australia - good thing they don't put those on Foster's Beer commercials --- "Foster's - Australian for Beer" they say --- so for those little buggers is it, "Spiders - Australian for Terror"?

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't even look at the pics properly. If I found one of them in the house you'd be able to hear the screams within a ten mile radius and I could never live in that house again!!! I am a complete spider wimp, I am absoluely terrified of them. Check my bed every night!! They are the worst creatures on God earth. I wont even allow a fly in my home just in case it attracts a spider in doors.
I can honestly say that would creep me out. Sounds like the scorpions I had in Georgia though. They won't really hurt you, but...they'll make you hurt yourself. LOL

I moved in to a, fairly, new neighborhood. They bulldozed the trees next to the house and added another one. The scorpions made a beeline...straight for my place. LOL I'd find them all over the place. You just learn to deal with them.
I feed all the spiders i find in my room to the hoover *yes a full grown house hoover* and any moths, cruel I know but it's one easy way of getting rid of them.

i have a bug vac with a little zapper to get rid of the small things.

if i had seen that thing in my house i would have run from the house shrieking like a 6 year old girl. i think i'd rather face a bear in hand to hand combat than see that thing in my house.
My boyfriend found one like that in his apt in Florida! He took a couple of pics, the spider was larger than his hand, wonder how it got here?
Holy smoke.. I would not enter your house m8 if it were in the UK. I hate spiders (and they hate me too) to the extent that I have these ultrasonic devices everywhere in the house and the loft and the garage but spiders in the UK are so numerous that its practically impossible to avoid them.

I also have a monthly budget of £15 for crawling insect killer spray cans :blink:


Wow, sounds a bit overkill to me!

I think its the result of bieng bitten by a relative of a nephla (in India) when I was I think 4.. then too on my face. The effect of dissolving skin arounf my nose too about 2 months to recover. I have since then been severly... i mean severly Arachnophobic. Thats one of the reasons I will never ever probably visit Australia :sick: Can handle wild snakes and scorpions... wont even mind a tiger or 2 but not a spider :crazy:

I concur on this one.We regularly get Huntsman spiders and whilst they look hairy and scary, they are really incredibly timid. They usually like nothing more than sitting in a corner and catching flies! They do sort of put a little damper on dinner parties though, when a saucer size one sidles up behind someone on the wall whilst their back is to Daddy Long Legs? Apparently they actually have extremely deadly venom, but they can't attack humans because they cannot get their fangs to penetrate our skin. How fortunate!
I am afraid of almost all insects, and this one just got added to my list. I am so afraid of spider's, i wont even touch spider web's, even if they havent even be any thing living on it for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is so startling! O_O I'm not afraid of spiders, but that... the fact that you aren't freaked out is pretty surprising.
It seems like I'm the only one here who thinks that they are cute! The way he scurries away under the piping just killed me XD. I wish we had things like this in canada, but it's far too cold for large spiders. I wonder if they would make good pets?
omg i couldent do that i would have moved that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean my GOD its huge how do u sleep at night knowing those things get in i would never sleep again.

i know now not to ***** when i see a couple ants on the floor

My boyfriend found one like that in his apt in Florida! He took a couple of pics, the spider was larger than his hand, wonder how it got here?
The one in Florida was probably a wolf spider, which looks very similar. I love wolfies! (And most spiders in general...)

I have a lot more respect and love for these creatures ever since I got my scorpion, Ralph. :wub:
I think he's adorable. :wub: When I was little we lived in Phoenix, AZ and I used to bring taratulas home all the time, my poor mom was terrified, but I loved the "cute little fuzzy spiders". I'd love to keeps some tarantulas, but I'm afraid the cats would somehow get ahold of them. I have one cat that likes to rip the legs off spiders one at a time and watch it try to scurry away. :crazy: Sadistic little monkeys aren't they. :lol:

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