Huge Huntsman Trying To Get My Fish!

I am one of those wimpy blokes that don't like spiders, I wouldn't go to bed if I knew a spider like this was in my house...
I wouldn't kill it, just catch it and get the thing out.

The biggest spiders we get in the UK are nothing compared to this, thankfully.
Just had to ask do they bite?

Size is not all a scottish midge may even cause more

My cat adores spiders but I winder would he tackle this.

Hm never thought of feeding them to oscars..

So next time my daughter screams I can say oh look food for puppy and dog. Yes she has named the oscars puppy and dog as I told her the lfs said they were like puppy dogs. Not a good name for fish I thought. (enough of my chat)

Wonder what you call the spiders they are big enough and obviously could be a free pet. Do they eat flies? Ship a live one to me ???
Wow a furry spider! :lol:
Cool pics :D

It's hard to believe that the spider is more scared of you than you are of it, but I have to say if something that sizze ran up my leg I'd be screaming so loud all the glass for a 50 mile radius would shatter :lol:

I'm not scared of them these days but I used to have to go get someone to remove the bath plug spiders I occasionally find in the bath.

This is the biggest spider I've ever had in the's body is a bit bigger than a grape but I wasn't going to get my hand near it to show how big it was :lol:
Oh. My. God.

That is sooooo horrible. And yet fascinating. I'd definitely be doing a full tear-down of the bed before getting into it!

I had a friend at school who used to have two tarantulas... Saturday was 'sweety shop, then the pet shop for crickets' day. We used to watch them for hours, not once did we ever see the cricket being caught. The only interesting thing we ever saw them do was moult. I thought stick insects were a lot more interesting because you could take them out of the tank and hold them.
Oh. My. God.

That is sooooo horrible. And yet fascinating. I'd definitely be doing a full tear-down of the bed before getting into it!

I had a friend at school who used to have two tarantulas... Saturday was 'sweety shop, then the pet shop for crickets' day. We used to watch them for hours, not once did we ever see the cricket being caught. The only interesting thing we ever saw them do was moult. I thought stick insects were a lot more interesting because you could take them out of the tank and hold them.

My cousin has a few tarantulas that he holds, the key is not grabbing them and letting them come of their own accord. They're actually pretty placid and just slowly creep around.

Anyway, I don't think I could deal with a spider that large being near me. The largest Ive seen was the tarantulas, but those are pets, and a wild spider would creep me out if it was that big.
LOL Australia has soo many creatures that are deadly, we're all preety used to it though, theres only a few that really worry you like eatsren brown snakes or funnel webs.

Huntsmans seem to have an endless fascination with fish tanks, I think it's the vibrations of the pumps, I keep finding them on top of my HOB's, though they never go near the water (my tanks are open top)

tetraqueen I've never heard of a huntsman biting, they've got pretty fearsome mandibles, but I don't believe they can get through the skin. Besides their non venomous so it's nothing to worry about.

I think the daddy long legs thing is a myth, I remember something about that being show on mythbusters...
My boyfriend found one like that in his apt in Florida! He took a couple of pics, the spider was larger than his hand, wonder how it got here?
According to Wiki the Huntsman and its variations are found all through the Southern Hemisphere and in tropical areas like Florida, so it's quite possible he did have one.

I think its the result of bieng bitten by a relative of a nephla (in India) when I was I think 4.. then too on my face. The effect of dissolving skin arounf my nose too about 2 months to recover. I have since then been severly... i mean severly Arachnophobic. Thats one of the reasons I will never ever probably visit Australia :sick: Can handle wild snakes and scorpions... wont even mind a tiger or 2 but not a spider :crazy:

:crazy: Alright, I think I can forgive you for that one!

I concur on this one.We regularly get Huntsman spiders and whilst they look hairy and scary, they are really incredibly timid. They usually like nothing more than sitting in a corner and catching flies! They do sort of put a little damper on dinner parties though, when a saucer size one sidles up behind someone on the wall whilst their back is to Daddy Long Legs? Apparently they actually have extremely deadly venom, but they can't attack humans because they cannot get their fangs to penetrate our skin. How fortunate!

Yeah we get Daddy-Long-Legs spiders here a lot too. They seem to like our downstairs toilet especially! :lol: Thanks for backing me up about these spiders mate! I know what you mean about them surprising people though!

How big is the spider?

I's say roughly if you spread out all the fingers on your hand, thats roughly about how big they are with their legs out.

That is so startling! O_O I'm not afraid of spiders, but that... the fact that you aren't freaked out is pretty surprising.
Yeah it takes quite a bit to faze me.... :rolleyes:. A lot of my friends are spider-haters. For some of those close ups I was literally two inches away from it - I kept getting the shakes so i rested the camera on the edge of the tank to get a good shot! :good:

It seems like I'm the only one here who thinks that they are cute! The way he scurries away under the piping just killed me XD. I wish we had things like this in canada, but it's far too cold for large spiders. I wonder if they would make good pets?

When I was little I kept one for awhile in an insect-keeper thing, but I think it died because I wasn't feeding it properly (little kid not knowing better) but I'm sure there are people who do.

Just had to ask do they bite?

Wonder what you call the spiders they are big enough and obviously could be a free pet. Do they eat flies? Ship a live one to me ???

They can (see the link I put in my second or third post on the first page) but you'd have to really provoke them - they'd rather run away. According to that link apparently its a painful bite but they're not poisonous. They are called 'Huntsman Spiders'. They have a wikipedia page, :lol:. THey eat all kinds of insects I think, I image flies are included. They don't build webs thought, not sure how they catch things. Pouncing I assume, they are very fast movers. Something tells me the folks at quarantine might have an issue with that in the mail! :lol:

LOL Australia has soo many creatures that are deadly, we're all preety used to it though, theres only a few that really worry you like eatsren brown snakes or funnel webs.

Huntsmans seem to have an endless fascination with fish tanks, I think it's the vibrations of the pumps, I keep finding them on top of my HOB's, though they never go near the water (my tanks are open top)

tetraqueen I've never heard of a huntsman biting, they've got pretty fearsome mandibles, but I don't believe they can get through the skin. Besides their non venomous so it's nothing to worry about.

I think the daddy long legs thing is a myth, I remember something about that being show on mythbusters...

Was wondering when you were going to show up with your own Huntsman story! :lol: Yes, compared to what else we have Huntsman spiders are the last thing we have to worry about! Yeah I've never heard of anyone being bitten by one but a bit of googling and that previous link of mine tells me they can bite.

I can't get over all the extreme reactions in this thread though!
Great pics!! Funny, I grew up in Wash. DC and was terrified of the daddy longlegs that were everywhere and I somehow grew out of that fear... check out David Attenborough's "Life in the Undergrowth" if you want amazing footage and info on spiders. They're incredible little things.
But... I wouldn't want to find one that big crawling on me unexpectedly - I hate that jump and startle feeling when a bug surprises you!
Loved Australia, visited earlier on this year (Surfers Paradise) going back next year (April) staying just outside Brisbane at reletives. Hope I dont run into those buggers. The Cockies were bad enough.
Great pics.
I'd just like to add he finally emerged again today, he's now in the hallway outside my bedroom near my door! :good:. Means he's probably been in my room the whole time these last few days. No doubt he'll pop up somewhere else later on. :)

Glad to hear you enjoyed your trip here BigC. Rainy weather tends to bring the spiders inside, so I hope the sun is shining for you. Nice area up there in Queensland, been there several times myself.
Was just going through some of my old threads and I came across this one.

Thought you folks might like to know that its only in the last two weeks that I haven't been able to find this fella SOMEWHERE in the house - I think he's finally moved on and/or died. Quite possibly a record for the longest we've had one stick around! I think it's to do with the fact its rained nearly all summer here. He's made several trips upstairs and downstairs and in and out of a number of rooms. Would disappear for a few days, but then come back. Never went back near any of my tanks though! :lol:

I'm actually sort of going to miss these random nature interactions when I move to the UK later this year! :lol:
About 3 weeks ago I was walking in my sunroom and there was a wolf spider that was about the size of my hand or bigger (Im six foot there abouts...)...

It was very close to my pet cockatiels so I had to "dispose" of it...

Not a big fan of spiders and have so many of them wandering into my house it's ridiculous... Bloody Australia :D

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