Huge 900g Tank Project

Can't wait to see more pictures of your tank!!! it sounds wonderful. :wub:
i wish i could have a tank that size lol but don't think my hubby would go for it
keep he pictures coming :D
I would kill for a tank half that size! I have had a dream of having my own fish room/garage/house/mansion/ocean. Good luck on getting the funds and I can not wait to see it in the end!

hey CFC, uve helped me out with many problems in my last few years at TFF, and so i say to you now
WOWWY WOWWY WOW. i really cant wait for that one =P i think you could get in the local paper for sure =D
good luck with the new fish mate and i can't wait to see the end result =)

also ive seen it asked a few times but, what part of london are you from, as i sometimes go there, and wow wouldnt mind a look at that tank.
infact you can even smack me round the back of the head with a smashed bottle, and feed me to your arro =)
Im in West London, not far from Heathrow airport and very near to Twickenham Rugby stadium, if you're over this way drop me a PM and i'm sure you can come for a look.
CFC my god, I love that tank, when will the updated pics come!! :D What's the plan for inhabitants?? I saw you said you usually keep species alone? Tell me that tank's not going to be for just one fish!
CFC is building the tank for some indoor fly fishing. :p I'm excited for the tank though. Wondering what wonderous fish CFC will keep in the tank. Althought I won't be expecting any fancy plants or decoor for his tanks. :)
Woh, I can't believe i didn't see this thread before. It's absoloutely brilliant, and I'll be watching this thread closely for updates.
I reckon there are dozens of us keeping an eye on this thread waiting for the next installment.

Such an enormous project to embark on but I am in no doubt that it will be fantastic when it is complete.
Well the background is on, the sump acquired and pump bought so not much longer to go, just need to order the bulkheads since every shop i've tried thinks i'm talking martian when i ask for 40mm tank connectors. More pictures soon.
every shop i've tried thinks i'm talking martian when i ask for 40mm tank connectors.
try to find a shop that deals in marine, more specifically with TMC.
if all else fails Dean, give Wayne a ring at Aylesford aquatics and he will post them out to you
however I would get the exact TMC code numbers for the bits you need
I can get the bits online alright but i wanted to actually see one first so i can check if i can use standard pipe from a plumbers merchants rather than buy the expensive "aquarium" pipe work, but if i buy them online i might as well order everything in one go rather than pay two lots of shipping if the standard pipe doesnt fit.

The shops i tried are all marine stockists, Waterlife's own store, Wildwoods and a few smaller ones but none of them stock anything larger than 22mm.

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