How To Make Sure The New Aquarium Is Safe?

He has been in a small tank, no substrate and a low water level for awhile. Maybe he is just finally exploring? Just keep your eye on him and take a big deep breath! :lol: You get as worked up as I do about everything, and I am very high-strung!
He has been in a small tank, no substrate and a low water level for awhile. Maybe he is just finally exploring? Just keep your eye on him and take a big deep breath! :lol: You get as worked up as I do about everything, and I am very high-strung!
Yeah he used to sit in 10L before (easy access to surface in case he needed air), when I raised it to 20L in the small tank he went crazy trying to reach the surface. Later on he started rubbing his nose to the glass on the back frantically, swimming as if he was drawing a huge circle on it.

He does explore sometimes (likes to sniff the plant / wiggle into it and so do my other 2 fishes). But the way he acts sometimes makes me feel concerned that he's spending a lot of time at the surface. Like even now he's mostly swimming near the surface instead of the bottom and only comes down to rest for about half an hour or when I feed him. At night he starts jumping over the filter and walks over it, then splashes back into the water. If there was no lid, he would have jumped overboard too.

It looks as if he's eating something from the surface, as he's doing the "chewing" motion he does whenever he eats. But he blows bubbles from his gills when he lands. All I see there are small plant flakes and none of them go into his mouth.
This is what he's doing. I cannot film using the BlackBerry because it keeps telling me to disconnect it from the comp yet I haven't connected it.

He's going to the top and blowing lots of bubbles. Then he goes down and sits there as if eating something, then half an hour later he does the same.
Mis-read your sentence! Still it gave you a laugh in amongst all your worries.
Well not exactly a laugh, I thought you were saying "Noob thinks fish can eat nitrite." to me or that you were the one who thought they do, and I was like
I'm not mad. o_O
Just worried about Tzuppy. Either he is bored, he is in spawning mode (I noticed he does have a purple belly somewhat), he is still hungry (gave him another half of bloodworm cube but the swordies started eating out of it too and I hope they won't get overfed, i feed them half a cube in morning half at night) or there's something wrong with his gills.
He seems to have trouble digesting food. Half of his poop was made of bloodworms that were still whole, as if they were dropped in the tank just now.
Bee has the same problem. Pooped 1 whole bloodworm. o_O
Did you bring in sand from the old tank or is it all brand new sand?
No, as the first 23L tank didn't have any sand and the other one that's in the attic has very little beach sand.
The sand is brand new.

Also, the indigestion seems to have stopped for both fish. However, Tzuppy keeps going to the surface. He seems to be eating something. When I put my finger in the water, he starts nibbling it.
Did another ammonia check, still 0 after no significant water changes for 4 days now. Tomorrow I'll change 10-15L. Or should I do 20L?
Also, should I expect another bacterial bloom? In the old tank, the bloom came around a week after I introduced the filter / started partial water changes.

Tzuppy finally calmed down. Guess it was just gass from the food. I haven't fed him his evening meal, just the morning one.

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