How To Make Sure The New Aquarium Is Safe?

Pff... it seems like the heater just doesn't start anymore. -.- It worked 2 times and it's probably dead.
Yeah, the heater's dead -.- I hope dad can get one from the shop today, else I don't know how I'll move all the fish here if they'll just stick to the edge of the aquarium...
It was either this or fish getting shocked, at least it wasn't the latter.
It switches on and off as the water gets hot and cold - is that what's happening do you think?
No, my dad fixed it... apparently when it fell (stupid suction cup not working right!) the contact got disturbed. Dad just shook it and now it's working again.
He checked the plug and it showed that the heater wasn't working so when he shook it it somehow started in his hand after he plugged it in. LOL!

Ok, so suction cup will keep falling. How do we fix that?
Heater still working, but i had to put it near the base of the aquarium... I have few options here due to that faulty suction cup:
1 - put sand in and let it rest over the sand. Could the sand overheat it?
2 - stick it to the tank floor. Hope the catfish won't decide to rest on it. Could that be a problem?

I just can't put it at a height as it will keep falling... It does however heat the water very fast.
When I'll put the filter in, on which glass should I put it?
On the width or length?
Currently in my old tank it is on the length (thus spraying water towards the other length side of the tank). Should I make the water circulate along the tank or across it?

And where to put the heater as I cannot put it too high unless i somehow make it lean onto something (that darn suction cup... )
Heater stopped again. I checked temp and it's at 20C (with water thermometer). But the water seems cold to me. o_O Mybe I should cool down the thermometer and then see. As it currently doesn't go to 0.

Got the thermo to 5C and then tested tank water, 21C is the temp in it. Heater is set to 22C. Should I set it to 24 to have 22C in the tank?

So big tank is 21C (heater set to 22C), small tank is nearly 22C (unheated or filter heats it).
The heater sounds distinctly dodgy! You really need to buy a new heater. Please don't cover it with sand as it will overheat. AND please be careful on a personal level - electricity and water are not good partners - you could get a very nasty shock!! I hope you and dad turn the electricity off when you're messing with it.
The heater sounds distinctly dodgy! You really need to buy a new heater. Please don't cover it with sand as it will overheat. AND please be careful on a personal level - electricity and water are not good partners - you could get a very nasty shock!! I hope you and dad turn the electricity off when you're messing with it.
Well, the temp is around heater's set temp. So no wonder it doesn't start. The dodgy part is the suction-cup system.

I never handle the heater while it's running anyway. Not like I didn't experience water+electricity before though... got shocked by many appliances. My dad got shocked by even more as he works with this stuff, but he was about to touch it when it was running in the tank LOL.

But the fish is acting awkward. He's mostly hanging around one side of the tank and looks around. His fins look ok (though he sometimes raises his sword up, which seems odd). He just hovers in one place. Though he did eat and is pooping.
Maybe he actually misses Bee? Anyway she'll join him in like 1-2 hours. Dad's bringing home the rest of the sand.
I have to set my heater at about 2 degrees higher than I actually want it - I think this is fairly normal for the heater settings to be "off" a little. Just keep adjusting your heater until the temperature on your other thermometer is where you want it. Also maybe your fish isn't doing much because there isn't anything to interact with in the tank and since it's so new, nothing to forage for either. I bet he perks up when you get all of your sand/decorations/other fish in there :)
Good luck!

This fish is pretty much awkward at the very least.
When I go near the tank, he starts foraging for food. If I go away, he just sits there and does nothing in a corner. o_O
I washed the sand, but it still leaves a faint fog for a few seconds. When is sand truly ready?


Uhh... foggy. o_O Will it settle?
And am still waiting for the dechlorinator to remove chlorine.
Next I'll move my swordtail male back, then the other 2 fish and filter.
Yep it will clear in a few hours :)

Also just a tip, a lot of heaters are supposed to be at a 45 degree angle instead of perfectly horizontal or vertical.
Yep it will clear in a few hours :)

Also just a tip, a lot of heaters are supposed to be at a 45 degree angle instead of perfectly horizontal or vertical.
At first I wanted to set it like that... but the suction cup is madness and will give up as soon as the heater is placed with one end down. So I'd rather not mess with it anymore, it's given me already more than enough trouble. At least I know the heater is really working. When I added colder water, it turned on immediately.

Cracker's back in there too. But he managed to jump out of the bowl, good thing I caught him. -.- Poor little guy, well he'll get his favorite "roosting" spot back soon. (the filter).
How long should I wait before transferring the other 2 fish and the filter though?

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