How To Earn Money?


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2012
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Any ideas on how to make money besides chores, lemonade stand, and mowing the lawn???
I paint mailboxes in my community. I found that my home owners association guy will give me the mailbox numbers for free, so I take it all apart, sand it, paint it, put it back together, then take the number plaque hone with me sand it with a power sander then prime it, paint it, and glue the numbers on with epoxy. Costs me $4.50 in supplies per box but I make $40 per box and get about 3 jobs per week on average. It depends how old you are to what you can do. I am also going to be a bag boy at a grocery store this winter, and next spring an umpire at a local baseball field for youths age 5-10.
It's actually quite hard!! You just need to find a quality person to do it first. I don't do it but I did once for $10 then took it off my list when I realized it was harder than it was worth. Now I just paint mailboxes and lampposts.
Thx but im just a kid and I don't know if the HOA wo.:)uld let me in a community but thanks for the possible ideas:) Also im a straight a student in accelerated math, science and english in 7th grade ??? Could I possibly be an elementary school tutor??? Do you guys know anyone like that???
Ah ok so are you in the us or uk? I know that once you're 14 in the us you can work at most major grocery stores :good:

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