How To Deal With Stubborn People?

essjay said:
This is in the UK isn't it? Who can you pass this sort of thing to re animal welfare over here? I know there is the RSPCA but are there any other organisations?
For shops, you report them to the council. They are responsible for licensing pet shops and can inspect them and if necessary withdraw their licence.
For individuals, like in tomtomtom's example, I assume it would be the RSPCA.
Ok, then in reality do you expect the council/RSPCA to do anything about this?
Depends if they have the resources - they are hit by cutbacks same as everyone else I guess. Also whether they consider fish to be animals.
Mamashack said:
Depends if they have the resources - they are hit by cutbacks same as everyone else I guess. Also whether they consider fish to be animals.
That's what I was thinking. I get the impression these organisations are more interested in dogs, cats, etc and fish are low on the priority list, if at all...
Lunar Jetman said:
I work at a local pet store and had the displeasure of trying to convince a woman she needed a bigger tank. The conversation started out as having 3 discus in a 100litre tank and one butterfly plec. A bad idea, but since she said they were all juveniles I said she had some time but NEEDS to upgrade the tank in the foreseeable future, if only for the fish's wellfare. Her husband came back to me maybe an hour later and started ranting and raving. I explained what she had said and what I had said in reply and explained the consequences to him. He revealed to me (by accident) that in fact, they were keeping 12 discus, 3 butterfly plecs, 2 common plecs and  8 malawis in a 100 litre tank. Originally, they came in because they were 'having an ammonia problem' and 'it sits at around 9 - 10 ppm' all the time.
No sh*t...
This happened yesterday and I forwarded his details (they wanted to order some filter parts originally and gave me their name, address and telephone number before the aforementioned conversation) on to my local authorities on animal welfare. I hope they get what they deserve.
Can't say I didn't try. I lost my rag with that pair in the end and asked them to leave the premises, barring them for life.
This is in the UK isn't it? Who can you pass this sort of thing to re animal welfare over here? I know there is the RSPCA but are there any other organisations?
It is indeed. My local counsel has an animal welfare office. I forwarded their details to them. The store I work in works closely with the rescue operations in the West Midlands. Some of the highest people:pet ratios in the UK!
 From there, the office and the RSPCA will take action.
EDIT: Spelling mistake xD

Lunar Jetman said:
Depends if they have the resources - they are hit by cutbacks same as everyone else I guess. Also whether they consider fish to be animals.
That's what I was thinking. I get the impression these organisations are more interested in dogs, cats, etc and fish are low on the priority list, if at all...
This is also my concern but I was so angry, I forwarded their details straight away regardless. It doesn't specify anything in their brochure at work.

Lunar Jetman said:

This is in the UK isn't it? Who can you pass this sort of thing to re animal welfare over here? I know there is the RSPCA but are there any other organisations?
For shops, you report them to the council. They are responsible for licensing pet shops and can inspect them and if necessary withdraw their licence.
For individuals, like in tomtomtom's example, I assume it would be the RSPCA.
Ok, then in reality do you expect the council/RSPCA to do anything about this?

I do expect them to do something. Although the likelihood is low, I thought I'd at least try.
So based on that there's more chance of these people being investigated would you say?
I certainly hope so. I was furious that this couple had A) lied to me and B) disregarded any advice or information I had for them regarding their fishes' welfare. Sadly, I doubt I'll hear anything back from the agency and the RSPCA but if I do, I'll post the outcome here.
EDIT: I'm not even sure what I did was right, considering the data protection act and that they gave me their information for a different purpose altogether. I don't work for a chain store, it's a one off shop, but the managing director said (I had to explain to him since I was concerned about it and he kicked up quite a fuss on the shop floor) not to worry.
It's good that your boss is on your side!
As for the couple with discus in 10ppm ammonia, I thought discus were supposed to be sensitive fish lol - how on earth are they still alive?!
Perhaps the couple might reconsider what you said when their expensive fish start dying in droves.
Harsh but letting their expensive fish die is the only way they will learn. Theyr'e not children, they are fish... and as a member of the public it isn't your concern.
Sadly, both DaizeUK and Sadguppy are right. A pet is a luxury item technically.

daizeUK said:
It's good that your boss is on your side!
As for the couple with discus in 10ppm ammonia, I thought discus were supposed to be sensitive fish lol - how on earth are they still alive?!
Perhaps the couple might reconsider what you said when their expensive fish start dying in droves.
First thing I said to them was "... And they're still getting by? No health issues or anything? All feeding OK?"
They didn't seem very concerned. I'm not sure on the rest of their story at all mind you, they've lied to me several times before the husband came in to shout at me for trying to make them spend more money. I don't think the husband new his wife was lying to me. I think he genuinely thought that the fish was OK and the tank looked dandy. They refused to believe that their fish would grow.

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