Hey there!
I have a 46G aquarium which is the home of 3 Peacock Gudgeons, 5 Amano Shrimp, 4 Nerite snails, a dozen of pygmy cories, a dozen of Celestial Pearl Danios and a dozen of Rummynose Tetras.
I'm presently wondering what I could add to this aquarium to complete it, color wise, and preferably also having the top part of the aquarium filled up..
I'm looking for a splash of color, had a pearl Gourami but I gave it back to the store because he was being such a mean guy.
I have a 46G aquarium which is the home of 3 Peacock Gudgeons, 5 Amano Shrimp, 4 Nerite snails, a dozen of pygmy cories, a dozen of Celestial Pearl Danios and a dozen of Rummynose Tetras.
I'm presently wondering what I could add to this aquarium to complete it, color wise, and preferably also having the top part of the aquarium filled up..
I'm looking for a splash of color, had a pearl Gourami but I gave it back to the store because he was being such a mean guy.