How Old Are You

I'm 33 years old and looking at all the youngsters on here am feeling a bit old.

However just to put a dampener on all you youngsters you will all be as old as us one day, whereas some of you may not!
i literally just realised it's my birthday in 2 and a half weeks...... this year has gone too fast!
so all of us 16 (or 15 in my case and a few others) are now on a...11 week holiday? Wooooo but I bet most will be on the forum a lot more :D
Just turned 33 a couple of weeks back.

People say I should be settling down and thinking about starting a family etc, but nah. I'll do that when I get old! B-)
i'm not 33 yet but people keep telling me the same thing. and i just keep thinking the same thing
so all of us 16 (or 15 in my case and a few others) are now on a...11 week holiday? Wooooo but I bet most will be on the forum a lot more :D

Not you, you'll be working in the LFS :shifty:

I stayed behind a year in sixth form to resit english so im going out to work in 2 weeks :good:
16 I am ammazed there are so many teenagers on hear especially people who I thought would be 30+ by there tank size and knowledge.

One exam one thursday :angry:

Yep the forums will be busy in july full of 16/17/18 year olds.
OMG...nor did I realise how young people are on here....I am ermmmm...ummmmmmm....(says it quietly) 37 :whistle: :whistle:


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