Yeah, ah well. The fish seem pretty happy, except the male platy keeps chasing around a poor female and she keeps hiding

I'll definitely do a water change when I get back though
Thank you!
Just read though most of the thread, and trust my you're not the only one who enjoys water changes. Its probably a thing to most new tank owners since its sorta the closest hands on thing to do with the fish besides feeding them. As for the male chasing around the female hes probably trying to fertilize her. Platies are live bearers so you won't see any eggs anywhere the female just "poops" them out. So if you see your female huge don't be surprised xD. If you get into breeding them you can look at this for more info its been a great help: http

If you ever get around to upgrading your tank make sure you have more females than males if you're going to keep platies or any live bearing fish like mollies etc. So this way the male has more females to chase around and it doesn't stress out the female, the rule that I've read is 3-4 females for each male. Platies are the rabbits of the ocean world xD. My blue platy just had 23 baby fry couple days ago. They have babies each month and the mommy and daddy don't look at their babies like children rather a snack

. I've witness my fish eat a couple fry that I haven't had a chance to collect out of tank. Usually put them in a breeder but sometimes I let them do it all natural so I don't get engorged in fry xD.
You're doing a great job from what I've read, my dad had a fish tank when he was young about 30ish years ago and he didn't really use all those fancy things we have now so its really fun buying things with him and showing them how they help caring for fish. It's really fun and my dad enjoys it a bunch. Though at time we do have our disagreements too.
Here is a picture of some of my older fry about 2 weeks ago the mash net is a little dirty but I cleaned it soon after I actually saw the picture that up close xD.