How Often Should I Change The Water?

Great job with the media!

For some reason I assumed you were a guy, maybe it was the name "slime neo" :lol:

You can also a lay a small piece across the top before you put the lid back on.
Haha, it's okay a lot of people assume so because of my username as well xD Thanks! I hope it cycles soon :)

the lady only gave me 2 strips, and they're both in there. so I think it'll be ok for now :)
*sigh* unfortunately, my dad thinks I'm just wasting water so he's not letting me change it today. :(

I'm not going to be home for 2 and a half days.. I hope they don't starve :(
*sigh* unfortunately, my dad thinks I'm just wasting water so he's not letting me change it today. :(

I'm not going to be home for 2 and a half days.. I hope they don't starve :(

Well good thing you got that dose of media, at least there's a chance the tank will cycle. Since it's just a 10 gallon a water change really isn't much more than a few minutes extra in the shower or a couple of toilet flushes. The water bill is one of the least expensive bills I get! I never really understood the beef that older folks have with water changes for fish tanks.

Anyway I wish you & your tank good luck over the next few days.
*sigh* unfortunately, my dad thinks I'm just wasting water so he's not letting me change it today. :(

I'm not going to be home for 2 and a half days.. I hope they don't starve :(

Well good thing you got that dose of media, at least there's a chance the tank will cycle. Since it's just a 10 gallon a water change really isn't much more than a few minutes extra in the shower or a couple of toilet flushes. The water bill is one of the least expensive bills I get! I never really understood the beef that older folks have with water changes for fish tanks.

Anyway I wish you & your tank good luck over the next few days.

Yeah, ah well. The fish seem pretty happy, except the male platy keeps chasing around a poor female and she keeps hiding -_- I'll definitely do a water change when I get back though :)

Thank you! :lol:
Post a picture of your setup when you get a chance. You could post it in this thread as well as the "Show off Your Tank" thread.
I will :D Anyway, I'm back from my trip and good news is that they're all alive and happy :) I just did a water change, and the water testing kit should arrive today. :good:
Cool, post your results. Not so much for our sake but you can check back & use the thread as a log of your progress.
Will do :)
here's a picture of my tank:

You could fill that thing up to the top :good:

ah, ok, I didn't fill it all the way because my mom was worried that they'd jump too high (but I haven't witnessed them jumping yet), but I'll fill it up during the next water change :lol:
If you have a lid, you should be fine. I didn't mean to be a bully. I just personally don't like looking at the water line. Plus it gives the fish more water.
FishFanatic is such a bully...........

To be honest I let my tanks get low too because it makes the water changes easier! Less water to remove. Especially my son's 20 gallon river rock setup since it has no lid. It keeps the fish from jumping out & it helps aerate the water for the fish's sake.

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