How often do YOU do a water change?


Mar 21, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
Hello everyone,

I am curious how often you do your water change(s), how much, what size of tanks you have, and what type of filtering you have.

14 tanks from 5.5 to 75 gals, all contain live plants.

All tanks get a weekly water change of 35-40% except for discus and fry tanks. Discus get 25-35% every 2-3 days and fry get 10% daily and 25% when filter is cleaned weekly.

I have well water.

Filters: 2 Eheim Pro II 2026, 1 Emperor 400, 2 Hot magnums, 2 Whisper jr, 18 AquaClears from 100-300, 3 sponge filters
TwoTankAmin said:
14 tanks from 5.5 to 75 gals, all contain live plants.

All tanks get a weekly water change of 35-40% except for discus and fry tanks. Discus get 25-35% every 2-3 days and fry get 10% daily and 25% when filter is cleaned weekly.

I have well water.

Filters: 2 Eheim Pro II 2026, 1 Emperor 400, 2 Hot magnums, 2 Whisper jr, 18 AquaClears from 100-300, 3 sponge filters
Wow - that must like your job or something. Sounds as though you're cleaning tanks 27/7 :S
I have two tanks. One is a 20 gal community tank with an UGF. The other is a two gal with a UGF. I do a 10-15% water change on the large tank every Wednesday and Saturday. Then I do a 50% change about once every month or six weeks depending on my readings. On the two gal I do a 50% change on Wednesday and 100% on Saturdays.

:dunno: Don't know if this is the right thing to do, but I haven't lost any fish since I lost a danio when my tank was first set up and my fishys, frogs, ghost shrimp and snail all seem to be doing fine. :D
46 gallon, moderatly to heavily stocked, over-filtrated - 30-50% weekly
20 gallon moderatly planted, moderatly stocked - 25-35% every 2-3 weeks
10 gallon lightly planted, over-filtrated fry tank - 20-30% weekly
ccg said:
Hello everyone,

I am curious how often you do your water change(s), how much, what size of tanks you have, and what type of filtering you have.

My 180 litre I try and change 40% once a week and stretch to 10 days max.
I'm probably not the right guy to ask because I've had a lot of fish deaths. Anyway, I have a 30 gallon tank and I take out 5 gallons approximately once per week. It actually is more like every 5 days. Every other time I also syphon the gravel as I'm removing the water. About once every 6 I do a larger water change and gravel vacuum where I take most of the decorations out of the tank and do about 50% water change. This seems to work in terms of good water quality. My ammonia and nitrites are at zero. Even my nitrates never go above 5 ppm. It hasn't prevented some fish losses in the last few days, though. :(
my 50 and 57G tanks get 10% change every 3 days usually.

15 and 9G tanks get 10-15% change once a week,
3, 5 & 6G tanks get changed weekly if i remember, or whenever i decide to top them up.

All tanks, ranging from 20 to 200 gallons 25% water changes twice every week, with the exceptions of fry tanks which get 10% every day.
29 Gallon discus tank - 28% twice a week.
40 Gallon tank - 33% once a week
35 gal, currenlty hang on back filter with carbon sleev insert, soon to change (probably tonight) to external canister filter.

I change 25-30% every 2 weeks.
Maybe i should change more water.... never had any problems with levels or illness, just had whitespot once when i bought a fish which had it already :mad:

I have a 6UK gallon tank with a built-in filter. I do 20% water change once a fortnight. I have never(touch wood) had any illness in the tank.I treat the new water before using. :) My maths is way out, the tank is 80litres which is about 19 uk gallons. I was reading the chart wrongly. :/
125 US Gal - 25% weekly (30 Gal)
55 US Gal - 18 - 27 % weekly (10-15 Gal)
29 US Gal - 17 - 35% weekly (5-10 Gal)
5 US Gal - 80-90% monthly

Tuesday is fish maintenance day for me. I gravel vac the 125 every week and pick one other tanks to do heavy cleaning on. I also give each filter cartridge a simple rinse in the 'old tank water' weekly. My filtration is listed in my Sig.

Note: the 55 Gal just finished cycling so it is getting water changes every other day for 8 or 10 days until my dwarf cichlids come home. Once the aquarium is stocked I'll have to closely monitor it and adjust maintenance as needed.

I made a spread sheet calendar to make notes on and keep track of maintenance, problems, new fish, births, special feedings, plant fertilization, etc. This simple calendar has made maintenance go a lot better.

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