How often do you check your fishes are OK?


Fish Addict
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
Bedford, England
I check mine every couple of days, just to be on the safe side, and as I have well-planted tanks, count the numbers once a fortnight. :)

Oh no! one of my fishes has a tear scar along its side! (Bollards!) :crazy:
check in what way? I sit and stare at them for about half an hour twice a day, but i look at them much more often than that.
depends on the fish. the bigger guys, well, i can just look at the tank and see them. the bettas, i check every couple of days, check their fins and such. the puffer i check daily, as i seem to have had a bad batch and have been losing them one by one. i check the hatchetfish daily, i lost some once to a rather hungry fish and have since just become paranoid about them, even though the offender no longer resides in that tank (my hatchets are some of my fave fishies), and i check my livebearers once of twice a week to see how they look, look to see if the females are preggars, etc. the plec, well, i see her when i see her and don't worry much. when i do water changes, i'll do a quick inventory of the rest to be sure i have everyone
clutterydrawer said:
check in what way? I sit and stare at them for about half an hour twice a day, but i look at them much more often than that.
same here!!

when i'm home I always go and have a look at my scaled friends quite freqently, i'm pretty sure i would nitice if somethings up quite quickly.
I was assuming he meant as far as inspection for problems. ;)

:D I also look at my fish for hrs daily and if something is noticed -_- , but there are times a look for problems :D
It's quite hard for me to check in one of my tanks but I spend a fair amount of time looking at the fish and know when there's one missing. It's finding the ones that have gone missing that's the hard part! I am sure there's a Bermuda Triangle in my biggest tank.

I do a roll call every morning, but watch them for 2 hours a day on average.

all my fish are in my room (same with my computer) and im always in my room, the only time I go out of my room is to go to a friends house.
So i see my fish about 10 hours a day or more :lol:

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