How much light is too much for fish only tank?


New Member
Mar 31, 2004
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New Hampshire

I have put together a ten gallon tank for my girlfriend's son to be in his room and provide some company. He got hooked during a visit to my uncle's house where he keeps several large tanks. My uncle gave us a used tank and some gravel to help get started.

Its been a lot of fun so far. Anyhow.. the low diffuse lighting that comes out of the tank is very comforting to him and very soothing.. it prevents unwanted night trips to our room and allows us to keep the door closed and other house/room lighting off.

My concern is how much light is too much? Convenient for us and desired by him would be to leave the single flourescent bulb on all night but I am worried that will be unhealthy for the fish and promote algae growth. We have considered a timer which could be problematic if he wakes up after it shuts off.. and also thought maybe covering the tank in the day to effectively reverse the cycle would be a good way to go.

My tank is:

10 Gallon glass
50 watt fully submerged heater (74 degrees for incoming zebra danios to start cycle)
Pengiun bio mini filter
plastic and ceramic plants/decorations

Thanks.. I have done a lot of searching.. but all the info is about how much is enough lighting not concerns about too long on the lighting.


I don't think 24 hour light is a good idea at all. Fish and plants need to have a day/night time, it's only natural. However, you could change it so that day to them is night to your girlfriend's son. Thje only problem is that the tank would need to be covered for the whole day leaving no time for him to enjoy the fish and for maintenence.

I think a timer would be best. Or perhaps get him a night light to come on as the tank will be going off.
In planted tanks lighting should only be on a maximum of 10-12 hours. In a tank with no plants i would guess the value is 6-8 hours(only have planted tanks so not too sure on unplanted maximum) after this algae becomes a large problem that can really get out of hand.
I have a nephew that likes light at night and what we did was set one timer for the aquarium and another for the night light. the night light comes on just a few minutes before the aquarium goes out .
Thanks for the suggestions.. The two timer solution looks to be the best choice for now.

I am going to also look into a 30 min resetting timer.. one he can push to turn the light on that will automatically shut off after 30 (or whatever) min. They have things like that for christmas decorations and such..


Artuk said:
Thanks for the suggestions.. The two timer solution looks to be the best choice for now.

I am going to also look into a 30 min resetting timer.. one he can push to turn the light on that will automatically shut off after 30 (or whatever) min. They have things like that for christmas decorations and such..


Sounds like a good plan :nod:
Damn was about to suggest that. I was thinking why not buy the lowest wattage moonlight flourescent light and have it on its own timer giving your tank a "night" mode.

I've heard of some more avid keepers doing this but I dont know if the moonlight bulb is left on all night. I used to have one on an old goldfish tank. It enhances the fishes colour, is a very soft light and pretty soothing.

As a moonlight is missing most of the spectrum the plants need they should kick into nighttime mode as it were but I'm not sure of the fish... maybe if they had a little cave or two or plants to dwell amongst??? you'll need a more experienced keeper to answer that one.

Hope that gives you food for thought.

Afterthought: if you took the easy way and bought a moonlight tube, maybe you could filter it to reduce the intensity?
i take it your tank is salt water due to needing a heater, it you have a fresh water tank the heater might be much for a 10 gallon. and the whole day night thing, i would turn the light off at night.
I've read that moonlight article with great interest. Your fish do need dark time and perhaps those LED moonlight effect is the best compromise.

It will look very pretty for the kiddy tho. Personally my little 2.5yr old loves the plug in the wall night light. The little chap would still be able to see his fishtank with one of those on.
I have a fresh water tank, but I live in New England so the heater isnt optional. One day with the furnace out or an open window during one of those days its warm but gets a frost at night and I can feed my cat for free.

I checked out the LED thing.. an interesting idea but not really sufficient to banish a child's monster under the bed (tm).

We are going to go with the nightlight/tanklight dual timers.

Thanks again for the help!



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