New Member
I have put together a ten gallon tank for my girlfriend's son to be in his room and provide some company. He got hooked during a visit to my uncle's house where he keeps several large tanks. My uncle gave us a used tank and some gravel to help get started.
Its been a lot of fun so far. Anyhow.. the low diffuse lighting that comes out of the tank is very comforting to him and very soothing.. it prevents unwanted night trips to our room and allows us to keep the door closed and other house/room lighting off.
My concern is how much light is too much? Convenient for us and desired by him would be to leave the single flourescent bulb on all night but I am worried that will be unhealthy for the fish and promote algae growth. We have considered a timer which could be problematic if he wakes up after it shuts off.. and also thought maybe covering the tank in the day to effectively reverse the cycle would be a good way to go.
My tank is:
10 Gallon glass
50 watt fully submerged heater (74 degrees for incoming zebra danios to start cycle)
Pengiun bio mini filter
plastic and ceramic plants/decorations
Thanks.. I have done a lot of searching.. but all the info is about how much is enough lighting not concerns about too long on the lighting.
I have put together a ten gallon tank for my girlfriend's son to be in his room and provide some company. He got hooked during a visit to my uncle's house where he keeps several large tanks. My uncle gave us a used tank and some gravel to help get started.
Its been a lot of fun so far. Anyhow.. the low diffuse lighting that comes out of the tank is very comforting to him and very soothing.. it prevents unwanted night trips to our room and allows us to keep the door closed and other house/room lighting off.
My concern is how much light is too much? Convenient for us and desired by him would be to leave the single flourescent bulb on all night but I am worried that will be unhealthy for the fish and promote algae growth. We have considered a timer which could be problematic if he wakes up after it shuts off.. and also thought maybe covering the tank in the day to effectively reverse the cycle would be a good way to go.
My tank is:
10 Gallon glass
50 watt fully submerged heater (74 degrees for incoming zebra danios to start cycle)
Pengiun bio mini filter
plastic and ceramic plants/decorations
Thanks.. I have done a lot of searching.. but all the info is about how much is enough lighting not concerns about too long on the lighting.