How Many Otos In A 60l Tank


New Member
Aug 27, 2009
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I saw someone mention that 1 Oto per 60l was more than enough. My fish shop told me at least 10 per 60l was fine. I have 7 right now so I wonder if they will soon starve without food.

Any opinions?
If you dont have constant algea then keeping these is not best for the fishs well being. They dont fix algea but if you have it they can be a nice addition to help with it.Id say 7 is a good number for a start but id have to know your full stocking and how long youve had fish for. If theres not enough algea and bog wood(optional but good addition) Id firstly supliment them with algea tablets id say about 3 small cories sized ones, then consider rehoming them to someone that can and will fufill their needs, :rolleyes:
how many plants do you have? what type? what other inhabitants in the tank? what sort of filtration? bogwood in the tank?
do the otos you have now have nice fat bellies (like a pot belly)? do you have algae in the tank(be honest) and which type? if you dont know which type, have a look here:
otos dont eat every type of algae. suppliment them with algae wafers, or blanched, sunken veggies like zuccini, squash or spinach.
if your otos are fat little pot bellies and are pooping up a big geen storm, dont think they dont have enough food. and keep an eye on stats if you decide to increase the oto numbers.

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