How Many Fish Can I Fit Into A 50 Gallon/250 Litre Tank?

Dwarf Loach (Ambastaia sidthimunki)   oh my they are cute.....and 
Kuhli Loach.  I have seen them at the pet store. Great and perfect for my tank. 

about the loach: 
Disease & Treatment
by Jeff Shafer — last modified Apr 19, 2007 08:51 PM



What is Levamisole Hydrochloride?
Levamisole Hydrochloride (Levamisole HCl), is an anthelmintic (anti-worm) agent  commonly used in large livestock such as cattle, pigs and sheep. In 1971 it was found to have immunostimulatory properties and investigation into its use in humans began to expand. Currently, Levamisole HCl is used in humans for diseases related to imbalances in the regulation of immune responses or deficiencies of the immune system, including autoimmune diseases, chronic and recurrent diseases, chronic infections and cancer. It has beneficial effects on host defense mechanisms and restores depressed immune responses in animals and humans.  Another interesting use of levamisole in humans is as a treatment for common warts (verruca vulgaris). 
News of its anthelmintic efficacy and immune system benefits has been known among aquatic hobbyists for years. The problem, however, is that there is not much in the way of definitive information on its use and application in the hobby. Anecdotal accounts of how it has worked for those ‘outside the box’ aquarists who first braved its use with fish, and accounts of personal experience with Levamisole in individual aquariums are helpful, but the ‘your mileage may vary’ factor is immense. Word about its usefulness in treating internal parasites in the ornamental fish trade has spread, but information regarding its use is limited and sometimes conflicting. From the information I have found thus far, Levamisole HCl is safe to use in aquaria and effective against many internal parasites, especially nematodes, when used in appropriate dosages. It does not harm the bio-filter, plants, invertebrates or uninfected fish. As an added benefit, it boosts the immune competence of fish, humans, large animals, birds and some reptiles.
This article hopes to pull together what scientific information is available, a bunch of individual accounts, apply some common sense, and put together in one place a helpful guide to the use of Levamisole HCl for treating aquarium fish. 
Why would anyone use a cattle/pig/sheep de-wormer in a fish tank?
Do you want to know why?
Internal parasites that can be treated effectively by Levamisole HCl are endemic. They are everywhere. Fish are also susceptible to these parasites. Since the parasites are what we are attempting to eliminate from our fish, we need a medication that is designed to affect those parasites.

Does the medication need to be labeled for 'fish only' use? Not if you know what the medication is composed of, whether it contains any chemicals or additives that would be harmful to fish, if it will work in water, how it works, and what the possible side effects may be. Many medicines that are used in 'fish only' preparations are also used in humans and animals.

Medications like:

  • Neomycin

  • Kanamycin

  • Erythromycin

  • Magnesium Sulfate
Have anyone use it? I am curious and need education. Thanks :)

Also I did have Pleco in this tank and for some reason it died. I brought it back to Petco. To say this a lot of the fish I bought from there came home and died and return to get $$ back. I have bought fish else where instead. Mostly diseases. 

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