How Many Fish Can I Fit Into A 50 Gallon/250 Litre Tank?

fluttermoth said:
Is your water hard or soft though?
I don't want to be recommending species that like soft water if you have hard!
I'm not sure if this would be taking away from the thread or not, sorry if it is. 
What is the issue with soft water fish going into hard water? I mean I know since that is not what they prefer then it's bad but what kind of effect does it have on them, does it shorten their lifespan or anything?
It is complicated, but basically, fish have evolved to deal with certain conditions and if they're kept in conditions too far away from that, it does affect their health.
They won't live as long, will be more prone to stress related illnesses, like fungus and whitespot, won't show their best colours or behaviour and (for those fish that do breed in captivity) won't breed successfully.
Most aquarium species aren't too demanding (and soft water fish, in general, can adapt to harder water better than hard water fish can adapt to soft), but it's always better to try and keep fish that prefer your water.
fluttermoth said:
It is complicated, but basically, fish have evolved to deal with certain conditions and if they're kept in conditions too far away from that, it does affect their health.
They won't live as long, will be more prone to stress related illnesses, like fungus and whitespot, won't show their best colours or behaviour and (for those fish that do breed in captivity) won't breed successfully.
Most aquarium species aren't too demanding (and soft water fish, in general, can adapt to harder water better than hard water fish can adapt to soft), but it's always better to try and keep fish that prefer your water.
That explains a good bit of things for me. I feel bad now :/ Thank you for explaining!
Hard water usually has a high pH
cichlids from the great lakes of Africa cannot go into soft water(acidic)
as their skeletons were made to withstand alkali conditions. etc.
And for a 50 gallons? tetras, rasboras pretty much every medium sized or smaller fish that is suitable for your water
Well The PH of the water will be around 7.2 so slilghtly alkaline
Hardness is more important to fish than pH.

If you have a look on your water supplier's website, it will tell you how hard or soft your water is
I've checked and our water is slightly soft water so any suggests for fish that can live in a community tank with soft water?
tetras, south american cichlids and ca cichlids, smaller plecos, rasboras, coorydoras
Any suggestions on what Bala/silver sharks can live with?
Bala sharks get too big for a 250l tank.
yup actually get the image of sharks out of your mind because very few maybe a handful can live in that tank size.
Well can I ask are there any fish that can be put in a community tank with cories,platys, glass cats etc that is solitary?
Bolivian rams or apistogrammas, pearl gouramis, possibly angels, if your tank is tall enough (at least 17/18").
Do not add loaches as they get stunted or get big. Ask the experts in the forum. 

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