How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

subtract 6, i added fish to the count like back in august, but nvr got them:p a lot of changes somehow managed to get me to the same total i had back then, just not wiht these 6 added:p

so we are at 10220

big number guys:p:)

7 Guppies
1 balloon Molly
1 silver Molly
1 Gold Ringed Butterfly Sucker
1 Siamese Fighting Fish
6 goldfish

Total 17

Grand Total: 10246 :good:
well atm

8 full grown platys
2 full grown guppys
1 young guppy
4 young platys
1 pretty male betta
4 female bettas on their way hopefully
20 fish in total for a 29 gallon, two 2 gallon, a 6 and a 10 gallon

hmm I need some more fish

running total of 10296
I Know this thread hasnt been added to recently but i wanted my fish to count! :rolleyes: :good:

2 danios
6 Neon Tetra

total fish 8 (at mo)
Grand total 9293

Sorry gotta add some more to the list.....

1 Zebra Danio
3 Peppered Corys

So that is 4 extra

4 Guppies
2 Ghost fish
1 Pleco
4 Silver dollars
11 fish

10 guppies + 200 fry
20 neon tetras
10 black neons
10 glowlights
2 red tailed yellow honey gouramis
8 peppered corys
9 endlers
8 congo tetra
8 harliqiun rasboras

and marine

2 clowns

287 fish

gd total 10,654 roughly

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