How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

6 platys (2 raised from fry)
4 Corys
1 Tiger Plec
1 Dwark Gourami
11 Harlequin rasboras
4 Neons
1 black skirt tetra
2 siamese algae eaters
1 red tailed shark

Total 31

running total 9650
6 x female bettas
5 x male bettas
5 x otos
7 x corys
1 x yoyo loach

Running total = 9760
4 pitbull plecs
3 Otos
20 Cardinals
2 Bolivian Rams

29 Total

Making 9791.


2 pearl gouramis
2 kooli loaches
1 swordtail
1 bristlenose plec
4 gold barbs
4 diamond tetras
1 angel fish
2 panda corys
4 adult mollies
40 ish molly fry ranging from newborn to 6 months

Total - 61

Running Total - 9852
30 Endler's livebearers
27 multi's
12 yellow Lab's
11 buescheri
10 catfish
6 HRP's
4 Hap's
2 plagiostoma's
2 brevis
1 Julie
total 105 fish

running total 9957
3 plecs
2 loach
3 corys
25 tetra
2 apistos
1 nanochromis
2 rams
4 otos
2 mountain shrimp
4 angels

5 angels
2 cherry shrimps
2 frogs

5 lampeyes
6 tetras
1 beta

69 I think
1 Plec
3 Neons (Who knows where they all go?)
6 Lemon Tetra
1 Blue Ram
1 Gourami
4 Corydoras

= 16

Running Total INCLUDING Above Post = 10069
1 flash plec

1 Siamese Fighting fish

2 Dwarf Gouramis

8 SAE's

9 Cardinals

2 Green Neons

2 Gold Neons

5 Bronze Corys

1 Red tail shark

14 various killis

6 cherry shrimps ( do they count ?)

5 Danios (Leopard/Zebra)

2 Blue Rams

2 Khuli Loaches

54 in total over 4 tanks (not counting the shrimp)

1 x Indian Giant Gourami
6 x baby neon tetras
3x Harlequin Rasbora
1x Syndontis decoras
1x featherfin syndontis
1 x blue dwarf gourami
1 x red gourami
3x green tiger barbs
3 x female orange tail guppies all pregnant!
2 x male orange tail guppies
10 x red firefin guppy fry all in breeding tank
10 x albino gardeni killifish eggs waiting to hatch!
1x male molly red stardust
2x female molly black stardust
3x neon blue male guppies
3x assorted male guppies
2 x female sunburst rainbow platy
1 x male sunburst platy
47 total (if the eggs hatch then again babies soon so will be more)

1 x Indian Giant Gourami
6 x baby neon tetras
3x Harlequin Rasbora
1x Syndontis decoras
1x featherfin syndontis
1 x blue dwarf gourami
1 x red gourami
3x green tiger barbs
3 x female orange tail guppies all pregnant!
2 x male orange tail guppies
10 x red firefin guppy fry all in breeding tank
10 x albino gardeni killifish eggs waiting to hatch!
1x male molly red stardust
2x female molly black stardust
3x neon blue male guppies
3x assorted male guppies
2 x female sunburst rainbow platy
1 x male sunburst platy
47 total (if the eggs hatch then again babies soon so will be more)


+ 3 blue rams
+ 4 BBG
+8 Harlequins
+ 4 Scolofi


Most reactions
