How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

X 1 Praecox Rainbow
X 7 Swordtails
X 3 Cardinal Tetras
X 3 Candycane Tetras
X 2 Guppies
X 50 or so Livebearer fry(never counted them seeing as it is hard to count 50 or so fry in a tank)

Running total=5054
I have

2 Small angels
2 Starlight BN plecs
1 Small other plec
3 Zebra danios
1 African Butterfly fish
5 Corys
1 Khuli loach

and just been given about 20 endler fry.

So my total is 35 taking the big total to

2x mollies
3x female bettas
5x male bettas
4x koi or goldfish fry

so my 14 + 5,143


5,157 fish
16 x angelfish
6x serpae tetra
50 x swordtail (estimate)
6 x rubber lip pleco
3 x common pleco
8 x honey gourami
6 x dwarf gourami
1 x molly
5 x harlequin raspb.
2 x SAE
4x pearl gourami

That'll make a dent in the number.
16 x angelfish
6x serpae tetra
50 x swordtail (estimate)
6 x rubber lip pleco
3 x common pleco
8 x honey gourami
6 x dwarf gourami
1 x molly
5 x harlequin raspb.
2 x SAE
4x pearl gourami

That'll make a dent in the number.

With confusion's fish the new total is 5264
1x Raphael catfish
1x Bumblebee catfish
1x Orange Spot Bristlenose
1x Syno
1x Pleco
2x common bristlenose
3x Cockatoo Apistos
2x Blue rams
2x Angels
1x paradise fish
1x Sword tail
3x madagascan rainbows
1x opaline gorami
3x male fighters
and 5x albino barbs
total: 28
tff total atm: 5292
10 gallon A
2 x sailfin silver mollies
1 x silver molly
1 x dalmatian molly
1 x tiger barb
2 x striped raphael catfish
All the fish in this tank will be going to a fish sanctuary next week so don't post telling me that it's too small or my barb is lonely. They were given to me when I bought my 55 gallon from it's previous owners with the alternative being that they were going to flush them.

10 gallon B
8 x Aphyosemion Striatum juneviles (killifish)

55 gallon
1 x albino C. Aeneus
1 x female red cambodian combtail betta
1 x neon swordtail
6 x sunset coral dwarf platies

Small containers
1 x Male crowntail betta
1 x female crowntail betta

I was going to have a bunch of fry from my neon swordtail but I came home to a suddenly skinny swordtail and a bunch of VERY fat dwarf platies. :lol: There might still be a few hiding in the decorations though.

So my total is: 26 if I counted right

TFF total:5318
8 Pentazona Barbs
11 Cardinal Tetras
11 Pencilfish
10 Harlequin Rasboras
5 Dwarf Neon Rainbows (plus one female fry)
6 Otocinclus

Running total : 5417
3 plecos
3 orange gourami
4 blue gourami
1 red dwarf gourami
2 kissing gourami
2 zebra danios
1 cardinal tetra
1 serpea tetra
1 cory dora
2 peacock eels
1 chinese algae prick
3 or 4 glow lite tetras
20 - 26 tetras (eels get teh slow ones)
1 mystery danio
running total 5417+42 = 5459

Most reactions
