How Many Corys Do You Have?

I just see pygmy profile, and i'll love to find then here, if i do i'll get 12 more of this to. Hope i can find then some day.
I'm back in the game kind of I have
5 bronze
2 albino
4 pygmy Cory I'm getting a few more.
I have, 4 panda corydoras and 1 green corydora
Just added
6 peppered
6 Sterbia

If anyone asks i'm blaming you guys.
I talk to the one of the LFS and ask him to bring pygmy cories in his next order, if he do it, i might get 10-15 pygmys :D.
I brought home 12, ~1" SL Sterba's Cory yesterday and they have added so much life to the 620T! They all seem to love crusing mid-high water against the tank front and side, perhaps because this is where the current from the Fluval U4 in mode "c" is dispersed in all directions?

Really chuffed with them, I've wanted some Corydoras sterbai since I turned the pipe dream into reality last year, but my first tank was too cool and turbulent for them (not to mention I was wary of mixing them with Lionhead Cichlids). However, I never imagined I would bring home 12, but the whole group in this one shop tank were so active together and I did not have the heart to seperate them!
My 6 Sterbai go bananas in the current from my filter pump, i was getting a bit worried about them not eating enough, as they just ignore food when it gets put in... too busy having fun and games. :eek:
Is it important to have a very smooth substrate with Cory Pandas? This is one of the fish I am looking to get eventually but I have regular gravel.
Is it important to have a very smooth substrate with Cory Pandas? This is one of the fish I am looking to get eventually but I have regular gravel.
I just pulled the trigger on 6 more pandas to bring my total up to 9 i hope to get them spawning
as far as gravel I wanted a natural look in my tank so i went to a landscape store and purchased river rounds (rocks) the range in size from pea size
up to half a pound and my cory's seem to love it.
It is larger than gravel so they can root through it to find scraps..
i have

10 Pygmys
5 Bronze
4 Sterbai
3 Agazizii
1 Trilli
1 Peppered

the pepper hangs with the bonze and the trilli hangs with the sterbai :lol:

Now i have:
10 Pygmys + 6 arriving tomorrow :D
5 Bronze
4 Sterbai
3 Agazizii
8 Trilli

My Cory collection is taking over :lol:

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