How Many Bettas Do You Have?

and do you have a betta or fish room? If so post a pic please

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I voted 18. That is the number of betta's in my permanent collection. My work room got converted to my fish room.

But I also have 8 betta's in my stock shop (for resale) and about 100-150 fry....
Not sure about images part. But its 9.0 optimized and I have a dell windows xp and other peoples pics have worked before. Maybe if you post them again they might work :/
Here, I'll switch to photobucket instead of imageshack in just a bid, that ocasionally works.
Here, I'll switch to photobucket instead of imageshack in just a bid, that ocasionally works.
I have a Windows XP, and I have the same problem.
My computer ONLY loads from Photo bucket, which is a real hassle, so unless everyone uses Photobucket, I can't see any of it.
Sometimes imageshack works but today it doesn't want to work. Hey Ethos what kind of windows xp is yours? Mine is a Dell windows xp 3300 with a 17" flat screen moniter :drool: Is your from Dell or what?
I have 28, 19 boys and 9 girls. So far my bedroom is my fishroom.
They're all on metal cube shelves except for the 2 sorority tanks.
I currently have 9 bettas. 2 females, the rest are males, and of the males, 2 are plakats. I do not have a "fish room," but my kitchen has been transformed into one! It currently holds 7 five gallon tanks, 1 ten gallon tank, and 1 thirty gallon tank. The other two bettas are in my room in 2.5 gallon tanks until they are large/healthy enough to be moved into 5 gallon tanks.
My sister is moving out of the house in January, and her room is to become my new fish room/bedroom. My current bedroom is unofficially the "bird room," home to six birds, including 2 large parrots. I basically don't even have space for a desk anymore thanks to all of the aviaries, so I'm looking fowards to taking over my sis's room. I will be adding a 75gal tank (for the goldfish; the algae eater will be moving to thier 30gal), the 30 gal, and all but two of the betta tanks to this room. Exciting, huh?

I'll add pics later of our current kitchen-based "fish room."
Mine is a Dell windows xp 3300 with a 17" flat screen moniter :drool: Is your from Dell or what?
Yeah, its a Presario Windows XP with a hp desk jet 3820, 17" flatscreen by VeiwSonic.
To make this post more fishy,
I have 3 bettas.
Smokey, Officer and one I have not named yet.
I want a CT really bad!
I have 28, 19 boys and 9 girls. So far my bedroom is my fishroom.
They're all on metal cube shelves except for the 2 sorority tanks.

I'd love to see your metal cube shelf setup! I'm trying to find a new way to "display" my bettas. I was thinking of just building little platform shelves into my wall and supporting them with brackets. We're renting this house, though, and I don't know that the landlord would be too thrilled about me putting holes in her wall... :dunno:
I voted 20-25. I have 13 males(1 CT, 2 PK, 1 DTPK, 1 DT and 8 VT) and 9 females(1 PK and 8 VT) for a total of 22. I don't have a fish room really. My house is a fish room. I have 2 males on my desk, 2 males in a split 10G on a built in shelf behind my desk, 2 males and a female in a split 10G in my bedroom, 6 males on a shelf in the living room, another male on a table in the living room, my female community recently moved to my living room and I have a female in my bathroom.

This is a pic of my betta shelf.


I'd love to see your metal cube shelf setup! I'm trying to find a new way to "display" my bettas. I was thinking of just building little platform shelves into my wall and supporting them with brackets. We're renting this house, though, and I don't know that the landlord would be too thrilled about me putting holes in her wall... :dunno:

I would do it anyway and fill the holes when you move. Just make sure to use a stud finder so you aren't randomly drilling holes into the drywall looking for the stud.

EDITED because I forgot about owning a DT and a DTPK, as well as I suck at counting fish apparantly, I counted 12 males in my head, then counted the fish in my sig...oops! :X
I ran in to take a couple shots... I have 3 sets of box cubes that I bought from Target for about $15. Each cube has a 1-1 1/2g bowl or Aquaview. My 3 level metal shelves (also from Target $15) holds my 10g w/ 5 girls, a 2.5g Eclipse w/ 3 girls, and a 2.5g bowl.


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FE - My fiance said the same thing! The only thing is, the walls are painted yellow, and if I filled in the holes...wouldn't that just leave me with little white dots all over the wall where the holes were? :lol: That would be funny!

Naughtygirl - Thanks for posting the pics! That looks pretty good, and renter-friendly, too! :D I have mostly those same aquaviews that you have. How sturdy are the units?

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