I've had fish since I was 7ish...so, about 14 years. I started off with a goldfish in a 3 gallon tank---lol. He lived for 8 years in there...incredibly. Then I got some 10 gallons, then a 29 gallon, had an oscar for 5 years, random other fish, and now I have:
At home--
10 gallon with a jewel cichlid
29 gallon with a betta, 3 yoyo loaches, pleco, 4 white clouds
At college (in my dorm room)--
10 gallon with Blue Ram eggs...probably won't hatch though...
15 gallon with a Red Zebra/Yellow Lab cichlid
58 gallon with 8 Flame Tetras, 3 Cherry Barbs, 2 ottos, 3 Female bettas, 7 cories, 4 Blue Rams, 3 male guppies, 2 baby guppies, 3 Pearl Gouramis, and a pleco.
In my boyfriend's dorm room--
20 gallon long with a dwarf gourami, female betta, 2 swordtails, 2 guppies, 2 xray (pristella) tetras
I've bred guppies, swordtails, kribensis, and now, Blue Rams, even though I might not get the eggs to hatch. We'll see.
My water isn't ideal though.