MAYBE, there is an off chance he is alive... I haven't seen a body and the last time I saw him he was SUPER healthy... Usually when a fish is dying they show signs... I honestly think he got stuck... Which is almost my fault with choice of decor with the type of rock BUT its also a teensy bit his fault for trying to shove himself in a tiny crevis... I'm like 87.3% sure he got stuck... The female is still going strong... You saying I don't keep fish is a false statement... It doesn't matter if you keep an arowana in a bowl or you have a 1000 gallon planted community tank, its still keeping a fish... But are you keeping them properly... And if I was asked that, I would say that I am... I have a good tank size, I cycled it, I have proper food, I have a nice heater, a nice filter, I do my water changes, if one goes missing I fricking freak out, and I researched about their environment along with if my tap parameters would be ok for them... Everything was in check. People on the forum had to convince me to get the fish in! I almost didn't because I wasn't sure if the tank was ready... I believe it was ready now that they have been in for a while... Any deaths have not been due to the tank... I did not find one reason for the first fish that died why it did except pure stress... This one most likely is stuck in a rock and he couldn't get out... I will find him tomorrow no matter what... I may even have to smash a rock open... Carefully that is