How Efficent Are Mh


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, are MH generally more efficent than power compacts, just wondering as halides make a lot of heat and so I do not want to be completely unfriendly to the Earth when setting up my tank.

efficent no.. but they are the best
efficent they give off a lot of heat.. and heat = energy loss
but they pack a nice punch and until the price of LED goes down and way down.. i think Mh will be around for awhile
efficent no.. but they are the best
efficent they give off a lot of heat.. and heat = energy loss
but they pack a nice punch and until the price of LED goes down and way down.. i think Mh will be around for awhile

yes I know they are the best, but are they kinda bad for the environment (sp), I know most things are but are these seriously not good, also, how much do MH add onto your elec bill?
no place is the same... In my area power is quite cheap, its cheap by north america standards... depends where u live
Depends on the depth of your tank and what you want to grow IMO. My mushrooms have grown well under 3 x 30W T8's, factoring in I havnt replaced one of the actinics which broke. But if you want some more challenging corals compared to mushrooms, like LPS, some SPS, Brains, Clams etc, once youve got your water chemistry right, nothing is going to beat MH.

Edit: There is also no reason why you cant upgrade later if you wish either.
yes but I can either build a new tank with PCs or buy a used one with halides for a bit less :eek:, that's why I am asking but I am more interested in is it morally right to have such high lighting during these times of global warming e.t.c.
To be honest, I dont think that 1 person not using Halides is really gonna make a difference when you concider the waste coming out of industrial country's like the US & UK
a 150W MH would be like leaving 2 75W bulbs on 12 hours a day (funny that! but it dosen't tell you much)

With the ammout of electrica usage in the UK onr more 150W MH wouldn't make a differance. If your worried about the effect it will have might want to go to FW fish but even then the usage of a fully planted setup could equate to a small sw tank.

As for the cost I would add about 4 squids a month for a 150 (if my math is like me spelling don't trust me)
a 150W MH would be like leaving 2 75W bulbs on 12 hours a day (funny that! but it dosen't tell you much)

With the ammout of electrica usage in the UK onr more 150W MH wouldn't make a differance. If your worried about the effect it will have might want to go to FW fish but even then the usage of a fully planted setup could equate to a small sw tank.

As for the cost I would add about 4 squids a month for a 150 (if my math is like me spelling don't trust me)

I've been looking into this too an I can't seem to find out a clear answer as to power costs of t5 vs MH.

how did you arrive at your £4 matt?

One thing I have found out is that an electronic balast will be more economical than a magnetic one. I'll post again if I get any figures we can use.

I dont think that 1 person..... is really gonna make a difference

Every little counts toward making a difference. Attitudes like that are dangerous.

Back on topic -

T5 are more effecient than MH in terms of light per watt.

PAR is what plants (and the symbiotic photosynthetic algae in corals in the saltwater world) use to do their "job." HO T5 fluorescent lighting, when used with a high-quality engineered parabolic reflector, is absolutely and unquestionably the highest efficiency lighting available, providing the greatest amount of PAR to the surface fo the gravel bed (or sandbed in reef aquaria). Based upon measurements taken at the sandbed surface, a single 54W T5 lamp has been shown to put out more PAR than a 150W double-ended MH lamp.
Wow, really? More PAR than a 150 watt HQI you say? :hyper:

I'm not particularly fond of mogul-based fixtures, I like HQI alot better. But still, MH cannot be beat for intensity and strength in a reef tank... not even an array of LEDs are as powerful (but are certainly more efficient, as far as wattage goes) as a big Metal Halide. The manufacturers have appeared to have picked up on that fact :X


Every little counts toward making a difference. Attitudes like that are dangerous.

I certainly agree with that. If only everyone could know that :/ maybe this poor old planet wouldn't be in such bad shape if all people agreed.

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