how does this sound?


Oct 9, 2003
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how does this sound for the fish im gonna have once i can find all the fish for my 46g.

1 bolivian ram
2 plecos, (midsize 4-5 inches)
2 discus
3 yoyo loaches
10 rummynose

any problems with compatibility or extreme difference in water preference?
I know Discus require higher temperatures than normal, and do not tolerate bad water conditions. Some people do water changes daily/every other day.
I guess you could say they are nearly as much work to keep as Marines, but i may be wrong. Im jsut going by what i have heard, rather than personal experience...

Im not sure of the compatibily with the other fish either, you'll have to wait for somebodymore Discus orientated.

But from first impressions, the Discus seem to be the only possible problematic fish in your list.
Most would not keep just 2 discus, 4-8 is better for aggression reasons. Many would also be careful about keeping plecs with discus because of theuir flat sides. If you are going to get plecs, try and keep them small (minimal waste) and vegetarian for that reason. There is also a roblem in that plecs like faster currents but discus like still water, but I am sure that would be ok. You would need to get a very good filter because of the plecs, probably an external fitted with a spraybar to miniise water movement.

I am not entirely sure about how warm the Yo Yos like their water, but you'd have to look into that as discus like to be kept at 85F+.

Good luck.

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