How Do Your Partners Feel


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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well thought i would ask this as personally my missus love to look at the tank and admire it but hates it when im always changing things about looking at new fish talking the back legs off a donkey about fish etc. she says it does her head in :lol: but then its her fault for buying me a new tank lol so do your partners get involved / moan about it/ love/hate it etc .
She knew I loved aquariums and had one when I was little. She knew I'd always talk about getting one when we went to the pet store. Finally she agreed to let me get one last Father's Day.

She's regretted not just getting me a betta every day since.

She's come to terms with the tank and realizes I treat my fish the way she treats the cat. So long as I don't go nuts spending money on the tank she tolerates it.
my misses brought me all my tanks so in that sense cant really complain but she doesnt have any real interest in the hobby itself :( she doesnt mind how much money i spend think it keeps me quiet and out her way so obviously she's happy lol ..... and the other hand my girlfriend loves the hobby just becasue i do :p lol

my misses brought me all my tanks so in that sense cant really complain but she doesnt have any real interest in the hobby itself :( she doesnt mind how much money i spend think it keeps me quiet and out her way so obviously she's happy lol ..... and the other hand my girlfriend loves the hobby just becasue i do :p lol


what?? a wife and a girlfriend?? #### your brave!!

my ex hates my hobby, gives me earache when ever he comes to the house :rolleyes: ..
hehe these posts again, my wife was ok when i had the 3ft/1ft/1ft......told her i wanted to upgrade, showed he loads of 4ft/1ft/1ft etc,, then she said ok "get a new tank"hehe those were he words, so i found my 5/2/2ft,came home with it, she went up the wall and down the other side :crazy:
now she loves the tank,until i do what you do,play with display etc,she hates it, she hasnt noticed my new salvini yet, i had it a while, waiting to see how long it takes :lol:
I don't have a partner but i have parents. They HATE fishkeeping and don't care bout fish. Hate me spending ANY money on it including £3.00. They als h8 me talking bou the fish (basically every hour or so). And when i faff about with the tank and fish.
my/ our 1st tank was origionally bought by me for her. but i really got into it and kinda took over. she just likes to look at them but ive really got into it in a big way. and now she has bought me a 100g tank as early crimbo pressie ( bless her ) im super obsessed. i think she gets bored of hearig about i want this fish or that plant etc but she made a rod for her own back :lol:
lol nelly know what you mean you should of seen my g/fs face when they delivered my 4x2x2 and she realised how big it would be she went chicken oriental but she calmed down and i think when she sees the finished article ( are they ever finised) she will enjoy it
,PUPPYJESS your parents should be happy your being responsible and learning to care for things and not getting in trouble on the street corners :good:
haha, street corners. why is it always street corners??? i look after the fish when i get in from 6th form and then go and get mullered in the evening partying!

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