How Do Your Partners Feel

,PUPPYJESS your parents should be happy your being responsible and learning to care for things and not getting in trouble on the street corners :good:
haha, street corners. why is it always street corners??? i look after the fish when i get in from 6th form and then go and get mullered in the evening partying!
because that sounds better than street straight, dont worry mate done my fair share of parks/beach/corners n straights to last the forum a life time

lol nelly know what you mean you should of seen my g/fs face when they delivered my 4x2x2 and she realised how big it would be she went chicken oriental but she calmed down and i think when she sees the finished article ( are they ever finised) she will enjoy it

yep she will learn to love it :good:
mine loves it til i decide to mention bying a 4ft/18/18 for my jag cichlid, then she hates everything again :lol:
yeah, its all part of growing up. you forgot the bustop!!! there used to be a really snooty man and we used to sit outside of his house everyday and play our music etc, and just ride round and round his house. eventually he gave up complaining and we of course got bored and moved on!
I have always lived with parents kept a 6 footer in the front room until it cracked and washed the carpet for them! :lol:

Now I have my 120 litre as my first tank and my hubby is not happy that I am on about getting a bigger one...he tolerates the postie coming to the house with weird packages now but when ever I bring up the subject of a new tank he moans and says that we havent got the space!

Even though we have a three bedroomed house and no kids....I mean how much room do you need for two peoples?!?!?!

I am trying to convert our spare room to fish although he does not know this yet as we can have a sofa bed down stairs for visitors! Im thinking a Rio 300 or 400....that should put the cat among the pigeons! :lol:
yep whats wrong with showing off how much i have. I'm proud that my parents work hard.
the fact that this is a FISH forum not an xbox and how many tv's people have

here you are rated on what fish youi keep and how large ur tanks are and by that standard i imagine you to be rather low

and to keep on topic,
my parents love my fish, i got my tank from my dad as he used to keep africans in it before he upgraded to a huge marine reef tank.
my gf loves my fish and while i was out once sat waiting for me playing with my mayan for ages. hes very personable and trys to attack everyone.

trying to convince my gf to get her dad to sell his stupid 3 goldfish in an awesome 75g tank and get some decent tropicals!

so i dont really have any problems with my parents/gf
yeah, do i count as one of those? im 16? but i feel i mature enough to say shut up about who has the most becuase we dont really care. its a fish forum and we were talking about fish and peoples partners
yeah, do i count as one of those? im 16? but i feel i mature enough to say shut up about who has the most becuase we dont really care. its a fish forum and we were talking about fish and peoples partners

i did talk on fishes and partners and im older than you so there can only be 1 anklebiter.
We used to have one of those! Comadore, now thats a computer name I havent heard in a while!


Back on subject guys..... :lol:
My fiance hates it :p We only have 4 tanks set up w/ the other sitting in my closet, and he wants to take down a couple more of them which I won't allow :p
I'd still love to get a bigger tank though one of these days, but that's gonna take a bit of negotiating heh
here you are rated on what fish youi keep and how large ur tanks are and by that standard i imagine you to be rather low
Quite frankly, that would be the most immature thing I've seen in the thread so far.

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