How Do You Keep Track Of Your Fish?


New Member
Mar 9, 2008
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Brewster, NY
Do any of you keep track of your fish? Specifically, I'm looking to track acquisition date (or birth date), description/name of fish, breeding details, etc.

I'm thinking of using Excel, but I wonder if someone already has a template that I can use.

I did a couple of searches, but I couldn't find anything relevant.

Thanks in advance!

I plan on using an Excel spreadsheet. As my tank isn't done its cycle I don't have one set up, but when I do I'd be glad to give you the template.
I think you should have
Name of Fish(if you name them), Type/Breed, Description, Acquisition Date, Link to a picture, What food they like, higher or lower PH, and Level they Swim at(bottom, middle, top).

Hope I helped.
LOL right now i just have a whole mess of sticky notes on a wall =P
I should probably switch over to computer
I use Excel, but just note breed an the ammount I have. Dates are not noted in my system :shifty:
I have a little black book. It used to have phone numbers and details of girlfriends in it......but now it has details of fish/water tests and car registrations of cars that park outside of my house!!
I just use a spiral notebooks as a "journal" (to keep track of what I did to each tank and when). The date, size, and type of fish added is in there.

Thanks to all for your help. I have a spiral notebook as well, but I thought I might modernize a bit by using the PC. Seems like I may not after all.
it's just all in my head, don't keep track of anything, if i was breeding i guess i'd need to but i see no real reason to tbh. :unsure:

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