OldMan47, I feel your missing the point here. The website I developed basically acts as a front-end to a database, which is where water results etc. are stored, so yes it is possible to ask it "how many corydoras did I add to my tank in 2007", though as of yet that's not an option on my website - as you'll see on my aquarium, if you view the Water result data, you can create a report, which does produce a graphical representation of your water stats - all without needing Excel or Access etc.
the website is more there for the people who have notes scribbled on a whiteboard, or have post-it notes stuck to their walls with info written on! my idea was to let people keep the info online, in both a friendly and shareable way
if having looked at myAquarium, you feel that it is completely useless, then of course thats your right to do so - if on the other hand you feel that it could be extended to be of use to you (tracking breeding information, gathering stats (e.g. how many neons have been born in 12 months and survived past 3 months old etc.), then I'd be happy to add a breeding section to the tool
and for clarification, when I say application, it's not something that you download and install to your pc, it's a website based application that runs from your webbrowser, with the only basic requirement being Javascript (which the majority of people will have installed anyway) - and on top of that, its free for anyone to use!
if you have any more comments i'd be pleased to hear them