In my 30 gal for example I have all live plants. (If I can grow them, anyone can.) At least 25% water changes weekly. After water is changed, I run my UV Steralizer for 24 hours then turn it back off. I have a Fluval cannister filter on the right side of the tank, and a Penguin Bio-Wheel filter on the left side.
Maybe a little overboard, but I can honestly say the water is clear enough, I would drink it without worrying much.
Oh, I also have a crew of 5 Cory cats that snuffle back and forth across the bottom cleaning and having fun. It all depends on what your main problem is with it being clean. Just take it one step at a time and you would be suprised how little it really takes to clean up a tank and get it balanced.
Once its balanced. Its all just water changes. The tank turns into its own little eco-system and needs very little maintenace.
Good luck,
P.S. if you get a UV Steralizer only add plant ferts after you run it. I have a unconfirmed, sneaky suspicion it does something to nuke the ferts and the plants end up looking iron deprived and yellowy. Fertilize after UV treatment and things are green and lush. Go figure.