How do you change your water?

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Which method do you use?

  • Python (tap-powered syphon)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Regular syphon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Battery powered syphon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bucket

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pitcher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Turkey baster [for the betta lovers :)]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get someone else to do your work

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Cheese Specialist said:
I chose 'other' -

I use my gravel cleaner to act as the syphon and use it to syphon the water into buckets and then I use it to syphon the water back in, as well as to clean the gravel/sand of course!!

thats how I do it too!!
smileandnod said:
I use a regular syphon and a bucket, to get water out.
Then I keep refilling an old 5 litre mineral water bottle and walk to and from the kitchen until the tank is full again.

Quite good exercise really..... :flex: :lol:

Wow are you ever the perfect candidate for a Python water changing kit!!!
Forget the exercise, 480L tank? that's insanity! Get a Python--it's worth every last cent. ;)
Good ol' siphon and bucket method. I had considered getting a Python, but can't justify the cost when I would only end up using it on the 10 gallon. Maybe when I get more tanks :D :lol:
regular siphon and buckets :S lots of buckets......... :blink: was a bit of a shock when I got the 3ft tank just how many buckets ......... :flex: but I've got really good arm muscles now :lol:

sue :flex:
I voted regular syphon.... I figure my gravel vac is a syphoning device. I do the gravel vack and bucket deal too.... but then I only have a 29 gal. tank for now. I might reconsider when I finish paying off my 130 gal tank and get it set up.

Ummm... nope I won't consider it until i get a salty... as if that might happen anytime soon :no: I can't imagine paying so much for a python when I can vac with my manual gravel vac, then have the water to fertilize my plants with.... not to mention the extra exercise I get hauling buckets (I need all the exercise I can get). Besides, I've been known to be frugal in one area in order to splurge in others :whistle:
GO JO, U TELL HIM :rolleyes:

bucket for me, does a python not kill the bacteria (good), because the water is coming from the tap? and u cant dechlorinate it coz it goes straight into the tank?

can some1 explain
I voted other b/c i use about 3 of the methods mentioned, lol. I use the syphon and bucket for my bigger community tank, but then i use only the turky baster on my smaller fry tanks because the syphon would be too powerful and prob' suck half of them up. :crazy:
I voted regular syphon for my tanks. I use the turkey baster for the bettas and for the fry in the bowls I've got set up.
...never heard of the python.. i used buckets at first but now i figured out how to use a siphon but its not practical.. i have a 10 gal tank so it takes no time at all to change the water :fun:
I really need one of these pythons...I syphon the water into a 13 gallon trash can,haul it to the bathroom,lift it and dump it into the toilet,and fill and refill 2 one gallon jugs and haul water back and forth all day. :unsure:
Hmmm, I see how it helps get the water out, but the dechlorinator I use has to be added to the tap water before adding to the tank.

I find getting the water back into the tank the hardest part.


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