You got the duplicarus?
Yes, judging from what I see and not what they were marked at the store. Although I am not expert at identified them I do believe I have 4 C.Duplicarus and 1 I am not so sure s/he could be either, seems different from other 4.
I like them really well. A sweet fish. Very active and colorful.
Yes, they are pretty fish, nice white, black and orange.
I am sure you will like the shipment. His fish are always nice.
I sure hope so. And if they are half as nice of the picture, I would like them. I really liked the color of the Green Laser!

And I sure don't see them around here. I saw 1 lonely orange laser at the same store I went yesterday but they were not impressive. Then again, I don't think s/he would be happy living by him/herself in the store tank.

And it was $11.99 I think.
I am tempted by the sterbai to add to my lps ones who breed constantly. Adding some new wild blood would strengthen them.
Yeah, that did came to my mind as well with my Sterbais and Pandas. Since I don't think I am not raising many at the moment. When I moved some frys few days ago to 20L from 10G. I saw like 85 Melanotanea and 15 Pandas and like only 7 Sterbais. I know I messed up in the one small tank which had most of the Sterbai frys in it few month back. I just have to do better. And I think I get about 15~20 young to rehome every month. I rehomed them 16 last month and I have another 15 or so in the 20L which can go to good home or I can keep them.
But I have limited space and I have a list already.
Same here. I barely have the space to quarantine the shipment. And need to juggle stuff around this week.
I want the C. gossei, C. suessi, C. caudamaculatus, C. San Juan and C. simulatus. I aready have some of these and I would like to add to them, before I start anything new.
I do have same problem with my C.Arcuatus since I originally got 3 from the friend who had tough time keeping them happy. And 1 passed over night. But I am glad I found 1 yesterday.

And I am hoping it is he since I do believe the 2 I have is female and they have been frisky.
The orange and red laser is tempting to add to the green lasers also.
Although I haven't see enough of them or pictures of them yet. But I am not impressed by them. Not like the last picture of the Green on the auction and placed on the you know who's hand. Now that is great Green color.
But I have no room right now!
Are you sure you did your best to fit the tanks?

I do have 2 small tanks on the kitchen counter and have been thinking about 1 in the bathroom counter. But I thought against it after it came to my mind that we flip the light to go to bathroom at day or night and probably not good for the fish.
I had fry from my pandas, but I don't see them now, so I don't know if they made it.

But there will be more and we will work the kinks out.

I collected many eggs from their tank the other day. But mostly tan ones from either the duplicarus or the gossei.
I don't have experience from Duplicarus or Gossei. But my Pandas seems to like to stick eggs near the good water current. And there are some indivisual difference among the females. At least most leave eggs in the Java Moss. But this morning, I saw several on the front glass but I saw some in the Java Moss also. I haven't collect yet. So we'll see how many I will find. I need some coffee to wake up fast before do some fishy stuff. Now off I go. Catch you later.