How Can You Discourage.........

I guess I got little slacked off of the journal.

I did collect 17 more eggs on 6/23 although 2 was old. As usual I missed from the one batch before. :rolleyes: And as usual, they are all found in the Java moss.

And I found 5 more eggs in the Java moss on 6/24. And I thought there are only 5?

ANd this morning, I found 24 eggs in the Java Moss. And 2 was darker. Once again I missed 2 from last batch. :blush:
My pandas lay their eggs so carfully one by one. Not at all like the peppers and bronze in big mass globs. :lol:
My pandas lay their eggs so carfully one by one. Not at all like the peppers and bronze in big mass globs. :lol:

Yeah, they almost always lay a egg at a time but once in while they have twins. Well at least my Pandas do. But I'm pretty sure they will not lay 3~10 at a time.
My Sterbai used to lay twins and triplets but now they carry 4 and 5. And I saw my Melanotanias carried 10!. I guess they are like Aeneus or Peppe although I never owned them.

And I can only compare with those 2. I think the Panda eggs are twice as big. Therefore, bigger frys and better survival rate. So they don't have to produce massive number either, I guess.

BTW, I found 2 eggs this morning. Although it wasn't much darker but I might have missed from last batch.
They were being quiet for a while. Until last night that is. I found 47 eggs this morning. :shout: This could be the most I found in one morning, I think. Once again, I wonder this is something to do with the mesteriously fallen from the sky yummy red spaghetti last few days. :shifty: I guess I'll buy some more tomorrow when I go there. Although these eggs are little smaller kind which tells me the main female didn't participate. It must be came from 2~3 other females in the tank. And I wonder if they all fertlized since I think I still only have 1 matured male in the tank. I don't know how many would hatch but they all looked pretty good, little tan colored. We'll see.
Anyway, 2 was on the glass, 13 was on the spawning mop that I put in recently and rest were in the thicket of the Java Moss as usual.
Still here Neoncory :good:
You have done such a great job at documenting and keeping us updated, dont worry we are still listening!

we need pics .. you must have 100's of fry now ...

Hi eggbert_99,

Sorry. I don't have the means to post the pictures. I know this is disappointing but I got old as* comp with not big memory capacity (it freeze all the time I can barely surf the internet) and no digi camera. And I just spend good chunk of money to get some new corys in the mail. Also planning to get some C.Adolfoi today. So money for technology have to wait.

Fish comes first.

Yes, I do have some frys. I did move some frys from 10 to 20L yesterday. Unfortunately most were Melanotanias but there are few 1/2" Pandas and Sterbais and few Neon Tetras. I have about 100 total in there. And I have 4 5G tank with 100~150 smaller frys which I have tough time determine their specie yet. I gave up on separate by the specie because of the tank space and timing and size of spawns. They end up going in the same tank.
And I have several containers(tupperware) holding some just hatched to wigglers little too small to go to the tank yet. And of course, I have couples of hundred of eggs tumbling to be hatched.

And hopefully I can empty and move some surviving frys from some of the 5G to 10G. And move some frys from tupperware to 5G. And hatching to tupperware. And so on.
I probably should set the empty 55G before the frys in 20L get too big. Hopefully by then, they should be big enough that I can either trade or sell those frys.

And now I am getting few species of Cory and hoping to get some eggs. :rolleyes:

BTW, No pictures but any fish nut who are not scared of mess or fishy smell and venture into my area. You are more than welcome to see in person. Just drop me a line when you are going to be in town. That's the best I can do for now. And Seattle ain't bad in Summer. No rain(well not much rain most of the time).
Where did you say you are getting the adolfoi frm. What did you spend ?

Hi jollysue,

I don't know I mentioned or not in this forum but I am going to go get them from local store today. But it is not sure thing since I didn't reserve or nothing but just saw the good looking almost adult nice fish last week. They didn't had typical empty stomach some cory have at the store.
And I saw C.Adolfoi not often but now and then with the price tag of $19.99 usually around here, maybe $14.99 once in a while.
But they were priced at $9.99! :hyper: So I think it is a good deal. And best of all look healthy. So I'll get some if they are still there today, if not I'll pick some red spaghetti for my fish. They seems enjoy them. It is kind of funny to watch the C.Panda pounce on the worm twice the length of their body.

Also I decide to get serious about breeding Corys. And finally decide to get some CW009(THE GREEN LASER), C.Albino Sterbai and C.Similis from you know who. Of course, the good Summer sale price did twist my arm a bit. :lol: :yahoo: :fish: :fish: more :fish:
Officially made the payment and probably receive them next week after the holiday. And that should give me time to shuffle thing around to make some space for them. So it's gonna be more than double my group of corys. And hopefully I can get me some eggs from them in near future.
I just got back from the store. And I looked closely at the store, I realized they have thicker black line than C.Adolfoi. And they are not C. Adolfoi but C.Duplicareus. Although it is marked C.Adolfoi on the glass of the tank. Then again, I notice there is one lonely C.Arcuatus in another tank and the girl didn't know what and how much. So she went to grub the owner and he told me that he thinks it is a C.Matae. I didn't argue since I know they charge $7.99 for skunk but he said $5.99 for the Matae. So I picked him(I am hoping since I have 2 females which I got for free since another aquarium society member don't want them anymore. And they have been frisky) up.
Anyway, the point is he may not know as much as me. I am not saying I know a lot but I know something about Corys.
But I already decided to pick them up anyway, so I did. Especially, I knew they have 15% off for fresh water fish on Tuesday. That is one reason I went there today in first place. So I told the fish scooping girl that I would take them 4 if you have 4. If you have 5, I'll take 5. If you have 6, I guess I'll take 6. Anyway, they had 5 and that is just the number I wanted. Since I just hate to leave 1 or 2 in the tank. And it seems every time I buy 6, one die on me. So 5 is good number for me, it seems.

I guess I have to re-research about them again. But they seems pretty comfortable with new home already. They also seems mellow bunch. Moving leasurely. Maybe because, there are nobody in the mid or top water. Foraging the sands. Maybe there are new ground and surface to forage unlike the store tank. Which already foraged out by many fish. :lol:
Looks good so far. They are about 1 1/4~1 1/2" SL.
You got the duplicarus? I like them really well. A sweet fish. Very active and colorful.I am sure you will like the shipment. His fish are always nice. I am tempted by the sterbai to add to my lps ones who breed constantly. Adding some new wild blood would strengthen them. But I have limited space and I have a list already. I want the C. gossei, C. suessi, C. caudamaculatus, C. San Juan and C. simulatus. I aready have some of these and I would like to add to them, before I start anything new. The orange and red laser is tempting to add to the green lasers also. But I have no room right now!

I had fry from my pandas, but I don't see them now, so I don't know if they made it. :( But there will be more and we will work the kinks out. :) I collected many eggs from their tank the other day. But mostly tan ones from either the duplicarus or the gossei.
You got the duplicarus?

Yes, judging from what I see and not what they were marked at the store. Although I am not expert at identified them I do believe I have 4 C.Duplicarus and 1 I am not so sure s/he could be either, seems different from other 4. :unsure:

I like them really well. A sweet fish. Very active and colorful.

Yes, they are pretty fish, nice white, black and orange. :#

I am sure you will like the shipment. His fish are always nice.

I sure hope so. And if they are half as nice of the picture, I would like them. I really liked the color of the Green Laser! :hyper: And I sure don't see them around here. I saw 1 lonely orange laser at the same store I went yesterday but they were not impressive. Then again, I don't think s/he would be happy living by him/herself in the store tank. :sad: And it was $11.99 I think.

I am tempted by the sterbai to add to my lps ones who breed constantly. Adding some new wild blood would strengthen them.

Yeah, that did came to my mind as well with my Sterbais and Pandas. Since I don't think I am not raising many at the moment. When I moved some frys few days ago to 20L from 10G. I saw like 85 Melanotanea and 15 Pandas and like only 7 Sterbais. I know I messed up in the one small tank which had most of the Sterbai frys in it few month back. I just have to do better. And I think I get about 15~20 young to rehome every month. I rehomed them 16 last month and I have another 15 or so in the 20L which can go to good home or I can keep them. ^_^

But I have limited space and I have a list already.

Same here. I barely have the space to quarantine the shipment. And need to juggle stuff around this week. :S

I want the C. gossei, C. suessi, C. caudamaculatus, C. San Juan and C. simulatus. I aready have some of these and I would like to add to them, before I start anything new.

I do have same problem with my C.Arcuatus since I originally got 3 from the friend who had tough time keeping them happy. And 1 passed over night. But I am glad I found 1 yesterday. :hooray: And I am hoping it is he since I do believe the 2 I have is female and they have been frisky.

The orange and red laser is tempting to add to the green lasers also.

Although I haven't see enough of them or pictures of them yet. But I am not impressed by them. Not like the last picture of the Green on the auction and placed on the you know who's hand. Now that is great Green color. :kana:

But I have no room right now!

Are you sure you did your best to fit the tanks? :fun: I do have 2 small tanks on the kitchen counter and have been thinking about 1 in the bathroom counter. But I thought against it after it came to my mind that we flip the light to go to bathroom at day or night and probably not good for the fish.

I had fry from my pandas, but I don't see them now, so I don't know if they made it. :( But there will be more and we will work the kinks out. :) I collected many eggs from their tank the other day. But mostly tan ones from either the duplicarus or the gossei.

I don't have experience from Duplicarus or Gossei. But my Pandas seems to like to stick eggs near the good water current. And there are some indivisual difference among the females. At least most leave eggs in the Java Moss. But this morning, I saw several on the front glass but I saw some in the Java Moss also. I haven't collect yet. So we'll see how many I will find. I need some coffee to wake up fast before do some fishy stuff. Now off I go. Catch you later. :fish: :fish: :fish:
Yap, there are 35 eggs. I jsu collected 13 on the glass and 22 more in the Java Moss all near the corner where the water from powerhead outlet hit.
And from the last batch of 45 eggs, 37 or so is really looks good, it is dark brown and ready to hatch soon. So I guess my stud male does pretty good job considering he is the only matured male in the tank. :rolleyes:
I did find 12 eggs this morning. 4 in the spawning mop and 8 in the Java Moss.
And I think it came from 2 females or more since the some eggs are bigger than the other.

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