How Can You Discourage.........

I did find 25 eggs this morning. Oddly, there were 6 on the glass behind the powerhead and rest in the Java Moss as usual.
I'm sorry, but I still have only skimmed your thread :blush: And I do want to spend some time to read it carefully! I will try to remember to do that at work next week.

I see you have solved the egg eating problem. HAHA!!!! I really must check this thread out carefully!

How many fry do you have, and what are your plans for them? I am sure the answer is in your thread, but I will not read it today. Hopefully it will not disappear by Sunday or Monday night. (Our network is constantly up and down, so sometimes I can't stay on the net long enough to keep up with the goings on and have to rush!)

Oh I see in your last post! You are getting them to multiply in the tank with the parents, I really must get a mop and read your thread!

I believe it is recommended with some species to keep the females at just 1 or 2 in a tank with multiple males. I understand that it is the females that control the breeding cycle by releasing hormones that stimulate the breeding cycle. When females are eggy they lay eggs with or without a male.

Hi jollysue,
I don't know I solved the egg eating problem but it seems they are not eating eggs recently. My God. See I made the deal with them. "I'll feed you as much and often as you like and more. Just leave them eggs alone. And I'll collect them as soon as possible. Usually first thing in the morning since you like to do it at night." So I think we have some understanding now. :lol:
I think there must be 40~50 frys in the tank although I never be sure since half the tank is moss jungle also 1/4 of bottom have driftwood and I can't see well. I am planning to keep a dozen or so. Maybe 2 dozen. Rest of them, I'll take them to the local aquarium society(they happen to have big auction in April which would be enough time for them to grow). If they are more, I'll take them to local shop for credit.
I know if not all but most of Corys would be better breed in ratio of 2~3 males to a female. However I just happened to end up with 1 male and 3 females(wife and 2 mistress). I bought 6 but 2 didn't make it. And I'm sure the male doesn't mind the situation. He works hard to convince the ladies. :lol:
"I'll feed you as much and often as you like and more. Just leave them eggs alone. And I'll collect them as soon as possible. Usually first thing in the morning since you like to do it at night." So I think we have some understanding now.

hahahaha that was the funniest thing i have read in awhile. maybe because when i am alone i talk to my fish too and have been known to get in an argument with my african dwarf frog!! :lol:
"I'll feed you as much and often as you like and more. Just leave them eggs alone. And I'll collect them as soon as possible. Usually first thing in the morning since you like to do it at night." So I think we have some understanding now.

hahahaha that was the funniest thing i have read in awhile. maybe because when i am alone i talk to my fish too and have been known to get in an argument with my african dwarf frog!! :lol:

Thanks poopsydrew,

I'm glad you enjoyed. I don't think I told them face to face but I just was frustrated to see no eggs after I know they made them.
And since the famous "DEAL", I do find the eggs in the morning after. And I have some frys.

Although it takes few months the frys get big enough for me to feel good about sending to the new home. I have couple another aquarium hobbiests waiting some Pandas from me. And I know many people like them. So I need as many eggs I can find so I can raise as many frys as possible.
I did collect 22 eggs from them(1 was darker previous egg, those sneaky egg always manage to escape it seems). And as always they are in the Java Moss except 1 was on the glass.
I did collect 22 eggs from them(1 was darker previous egg, those sneaky egg always manage to escape it seems). And as always they are in the Java Moss except 1 was on the glass.
well i know its been said but thanks for your awesome funny and very interesting post i have had a great time reading it and will be adding you to my friend list. Until next time.....c ya. :nod:
well i know its been said but thanks for your awesome funny and very interesting post i have had a great time reading it and will be adding you to my friend list. Until next time.....c ya. :nod:

Not really. I'm glad someone find it some amusement out of my post. And thanks for your compliment, poopsydrew,

I wish I have some mean to post some pictures but me and the computer is picture/memory challenged at the moment. Not to mention the lack of decent digital camera. But hopefully, we can work on that, me and my comp in near future.
After all, the picture is 1,000 words.
I'll catch you later.
I did find 16 eggs this morning, 1 on the back glass, 1 on the leaf of Java Fern and 14 in the Java moss.
I got 5 Albino Bristle Nose(actually she tossed in 1 regular as well) yesterday from fellow local aquarium society member last night. Now I owe her 10 Pandas which we agreed on. I'll take them to her next month meeting.
I got 1 ABN from her last month and I decide I do want more. They are still youngstar of 1 1/4~1 1/2"TL(from tip of nose to end of the tail). I put them in the community for now but I will re-assign them for other tanks since I have more than 1 green tank. :lol: Also it sounds like you should separate males when they get older as it sounds like they become somewhat territorial.
I saw some eggs last night before I went to bed so I knew I need to collect some eggs this morning. Anyway, I collected 40 eggs! Well, 2 was much darker so I know they were fugitive from the last batch. There were 2 on the back glass, another 3 on the blue shoot glass cave I made for them, and rest of 35 were in the thicket of Java Moss as usual.
There were few twin eggs but the Panda is usually lay eggs one at a time. And I know I only have 1 adult male and I think this number of eggs I am pretty sure they came from more than 1 female more like 2 or 3. So my stud male serviced 2~3 ladies yesterday. He must had a busy night. :shifty:
Now I wonder how many of those eggs would be good. The Panda eggs are usually good and most would hatch without much problem. But 30~35 of dirty deeds seems pretty high for a single male. I guess I just have wait and see how many would hatch.
Last night before I went bed, I noticed the male was trying to talk sweet nothing to the females. :shifty: Yes, the females, he was going around.
I wasn't sure he got any taker. Anyway, this morning I spot a egg when I was siphoning out the water for the fry tank. There I go again, take most of the Java Moss out and look for the eggs with my eyes and fingers inside the Moss. I found 2 eggs on the back glass next to some stone with Moss attached, and 10 more in the Moss.
I don't know if my eyes and fingers are getting old or what but I noticed more eggs this evening. I ended up with 5 more eggs. Really make me wonder if I missed that many or they made more while I wasn't looking(sometime between this morning to evening).
If they only can talk.

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