How Can You Discourage.........

I collect only 15 eggs this morning. I knew I have to collect eggs this morning that I saw them making last night. I tried to start collect last night since there is a egg on the front glass but it was too fresh and shell was too fragile and the unlucky egg was burst in the water. :/ :X So I learned that I cannot collect the eggs too soon. So I went bed. And I woke up and saw the 3 eggs on the front glass and I thought there were 4 eggs last night. So I think someone ate 1 at least. :/ But I don't think I can do much about it but feed more and change water. So I try to look the bright side that I found the 15 eggs.(3 on the glass, 12 in the Moss and none in the spawning mop). And I just hope she would hide eggs better although sometime frastrating to look allover inside of the Moss. Maybe I'll get more Moss and swich it around. Instead look for the eggs, I just collect all the Moss in the tank and let the eggs hatch with the moss. And replace with the other crump of Moss.
Yeah, I think I'll try that. Fortunately, there are big plant auction at my local aquarium society next month. I'm sure I can pick some Java moss for small price. :good:
Well, what you know. My male visited his mistress yesterday. I got 13 eggs.(1 on the side glass and rest in the moss) Since she is always slimmer than his wife I estimate fewer eggs but 13 ain't bad. I wonder if he will let in the other runtish mistress home tonight. :shifty:
And I guess they don't think the family is still not big enough although the frys are everywhere. Top to bottom of the tank. I really ought to set another tank and move the parents. :D
Well, what you know. My male visited his mistress yesterday. I got 13 eggs.(1 on the side glass and rest in the moss) Since she is always slimmer than his wife :D

Well, what you know. My male visited his mistress yesterday. I got 13 eggs.(1 on the side glass and rest in the moss) Since she is always slimmer than his wife :D
sounds like my ex and his mistress, it even happens in fish lol :grr:
That sounds like a good idea.

I think your pandas love you lots to give you so many babies. :nod:
sounds like my ex and his mistress, it even happens in fish lol :grr:

I hope my fish didn't offend you. I think he is programmed to ensure his species survival. So he must be thinking, "MUST make babies, must make babies". ^_^
And I must say he is doing good job. The tank they are in is almost infested by small pandas. :wub:
Maybe some human have the same instinct although we are not anywhere near from the denger of extinct. Some have stronger than the other. :rolleyes:
Anyway, I hear even some of the fish species they would marry for life. ;)
That sounds like a good idea.

I think your pandas love you lots to give you so many babies. :nod:
Yeah, I think they are happy. I give them plenty of food. Mostly meaty food. And do the water change often. And keep the tank cool. Cooler than most other tank. :fish: :fish: :fish:
I found eggs this morning, but only 10 which is fewer than usual. Anyway, 3 in spawning mop and 7 in Java/X'mas moss. I wonder this decrease of egg production is relate to the increase of the fry population. Anyhow, I ought to set the another tank and move the parents. I know I've been saying that but I really should. :blush:
:p I collected 9 eggs this morning(2 in the spawning mop and rest in Java/X'mas moss). It was kind of low number and the off time was longer(the length of time from last time to this time ). So it makes me wonder if I have been feeding less than used to be. Also it makes me wonder that the fish can count. I mean not the way to count 1,2,3 but it is getting crowdy here kind. I mean they don't have fingers and toes to count. :D Anyway, what I'm try to getting is do they slow down or stop the procreation when their surrounding is almost over-populated? Whatever the reason is either the extra mouthes with wiskers(maybe that is why less food available to the adults) or more waste that produced in the tank. So maybe that is why the Mother Nature tell them to slow down if not all the fish in the water will eat themself into the stervation and perish. Or tell them to find the new water, the area is filled up with enough Panda corys which can be supported. Obviously, they can't find the new water area in the tank. So I need to do something about. Either move them to bigger tank or move some to another tank.
I'll go get some sands today and set up another tank and move the adults. Fortunately, I have extra filter running in another tank I could use. Hopefully, the production pick up again. And I should take some young to my aquarium society next month. :p :fish: :fish: :fish:
Sorry, I had a family emergency, and I got out of touch with the forum.

My new long fins are coming in 2 weeks and I have to move everyone around to accommodate them. I have 6 x long fin pandas coming (I also havbe 6 x albino long fin peppers, regular long fin peppers and long fin aeneus), so I have to decide how best to house them all. I am thinking of mixing the new pandas in with my present ones. Then I will have to get serious about breeding the pandas. First is to lower the water temp. What is yours set at in Ferinheit?

I know I wrote that somewhere but anyway here is the set up for my Pandas.

I keep my 4 adults(it happen to be 1 happy males and 3 females) and zillion off spring from them in 5 G (getting crowdier and need to set another tank to split) with no heater. But have compact florecent light bulb and red cadecent(sp) bulb with no cover. So I imagine the light bulbs warm the water a little when it is on and cool down when it's not on. I usually turn the light on in the morning and off at night. So in a way, it similate the nature. I think the temperature hover around 68~72 F.
There is a power head with sponge(which I believe rated 550 gph) but sponge should slow it down. But nontherless it creates pretty good current. I face the outlet to the side of the tank and it sort of bounce off from the side to the front and go along the front so I can see them swim into current. There is also a low rate HOB filter in the back. But this is like spare for the emagency tank set up. You know when you come home with fish and had to set the tank quick, that's sort of thing.
There are driftwoods with Java fern tied up and massive amount of Java/X'mas moss and a single Anubias(which I should plant in the pot or tie to something but haven't done that) and a floating spawning mop(tie with the cork from the wine bottle). And of course, the sands substrate with a cave made with stone. I also have some floating plants(frog bit,some riccia and dreadful duckweed).

I know I strongly suggest anyone who like to keep the Panda happy. And that is most likely lead to breeding.
1. Give them their own tank. Keep them in a group.(at least 4 but more the better, they are less happy when I had them 2)
2. Feed them often and well with balanced meaty food.
3. Keep the water cool and clean.
4. They appreciate nice river like water movement(power head or canister filter). (You can see them more active.)

This is about as well as I can describe without camera.(I better get one).

I don't see any reason that long finned and regular would not breed together since they are same. And I would imagine you would get some long fin and some regular. Just like how you get many different traits off spring when you breed the 2 different Angel fish. If that is what you want, you can keep them together. But if you want to keep the long-finned Panda with that charactristic, I would keep regular and long-finned seperate. It's up to you.

Anyway, good luck with them. They are great fish.
By the way, I collected 21 eggs this morning. I didn't see them making eggs last night so they must done that in the dark. :rolleyes: Anyhow, 8 on the back glass, 6 in the spawning mop and 7 in the Java/X'mas moss.
It maybe 2 females paticipate since they are more eggs and unusual egg placement(back glass). It seems every fish have different preference. I also know that each fish have different character.
I figured I could put them together for now. The parents will stay with their original and I can separate them out when I get serious.
Finally, I set the 10G and moved the 4 adults and pick the biggest offspring in them. I picked all the bogwood with Java Fern attached, crump of X'mas/Java moss and a spawning mop. And I finally took the look of what is in there. I can never count for exact since they don't sit still for a second. But it sure looks like about 50 of them. I left them in there for now. And did the 50% water change while I catch the adults.
Hopefully, they feel the need to procreate in the new tank since no bumper to bumper anymore. :nod:
I'm glad to say that my 4 adults Pandas and 1 biggest offspring did seems to like the new home all right. Since I saw them making eggs last night. I did see 2 eggs placed on the front glass before I went bed. I only collect 1 in the morning. The other one gone. :angry: Oh well. So they do still taste the egg, unfortunately. I did put tiny 5 month old surviving Neon I got from the first batch with them in the tank but I doubt they can fit the egg in their mouth.
I did find 8 more eggs on the inside of spawning mop. I didn't put much X'mas/Java moss in this tank. But I don't think it was any in them.
So I am thinking, maybe I just make more spawning mop and just use those. Since it is so much easier to collect eggs from it than Moss. Some become bits and pieces and go all over the tank.
Anyway, I just glad that the egg factory have moved successfully. :good:
After all the Easter is around the corner and I sure want to do little "egg hunting".
:fish: :fish: and more :fish:
Found 18 more eggs on 21st. Found them on the glass just before go to bed so I let them to be, thinking collect in the morning before go to work. Of course, I didn't have time so finally I collect them yesterday night. I don't know how many got eaten but I also found 2 really dark eggs, they must be from the spawn before.
And I notice that most of them were placed on the upper part of the side glass. And make me think that they were not eaten because of the placement. So maybe it was good thing that the tank was 10 G and not 5G.(10 is taller) Probably they had less chance to run into the eggs. They usually foraging the sand.
Only if I could get some eggs from the Sterbai soon. I know they are almost ready from the excitement in the morning.

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