How Can You Discourage.........

So I got up this morning, had few cups of coffee and decide to water change for the 10G Panda mostly adult tank. I vaccumed out 2~3 gallons of water and noticed therer are eggs on the side glass. So stop taking out the water and start collecting eggs. I found 20 eggs, mostly on the side glass facing the room window. Only few in the spawning mop and 1~2 each on the back and front glass.
Since I moved the 4 adults to the 10G, I also moved about 15 biggest offsprings I can catch with them. They are about 2~4 month olds. But I also notice there are few tiny 2~3 weeks old swimming when I moved the bogwood while I was doing the water change. Which I never put them in the tank. So I know I miss some eggs and they hatch on their own.
:fish: :fish: more :fish:
Thanks for the congrats, Madattiver. Yes, they are doing fine. Now I need to think few things though. How many of the offsprings should I keep? More and more I think about it, I should not keep many. Because they will grow soon enough and join the breeding group, it will be the beginning of the in-breeding. And I don't think I wanna get into that although I understand it usually necessary to establish the charactristic of the gene. Since I don't see any paticularly desired charactristic in them, I rather expand the gene pool and make them stronger or hardier. It would be great if I can find someone breeding Panda near by and swap some. But I may have to buy more from the store, I guess.
Also it would be great if my Sterbai females would lay some eggs soon. I and the males are so eager to make it happen but the females seems not ready yet. The males have been tickling the head of the females and try to place himself in front of the female to form the T but the females have been rejecting the males advance. I just hope it's gonna happen soon. :shifty:
I only just found your thread NeonCory.. and it has been a fantastic read! Keep it up man. :)
Hi Fishkeeper2006,

I'm glad you find it good read. I figure some Panda Corys owner can find it useful in some way. Since they are often kept in the compromised tank condition and claimed as "delicate, tough to keep" more than it should be. As well as it is for my record. So, I will keep this as long as they do something need to be mentioned.
:fish: :fish: more :fish:
I lowered the panda tank's temp to 69 or 70 f. Everyone loved it, except the pandas. The San Juan lady who has been a barrel for months, finally spawned a bucket load of eggs. But I have now lost two of my pandas and a third looks sickly. So I have raised the thermometer temp. to 72 or 73 f. hopefully the panda will recover. I just noticed that Planet Catfish recommends higher temps for pandas. Not to argue, because success wins, but it appears that not all pandas like it below 70 f.

The source of my newest pandas said he had trouble with the pandas below 70 and they dis better at 75, which is what I had them at before.
I am sorry to hear that. Now I really feel bad that I did post these thread that may made you to re-adjust the temperature. I don't know whatever the reason it may, caused Pandas to be sick and worse pass away. I can tell you how sorry I am.
It maybe because they are born and raised in higher temperature? Or it maybe because they had a long stressful trip? Or it maybe because the change was quicker than they can handle? Or maybe because they are genetically weakened by the selective/inbreeding? Or it maybe just their time is up? I don't know.
I know they are not good with moving or sudden change. I was told that he lost 1 or 2 out of 7 juvi few days after I sold at the auction 2 years ago. I know the auction made the time in the bag for a long time. And I am considering bring the battery airpump with me this time to the auction.
Also I do start to worry about their genetic make up. Especially, now I have many off-springs. But I am considering getting more from outside source instead of keeping the offsprings. So they can inherit the better, stronger gene and not to become weak or inferior. Like what happened in heaviry selective bred fish like Angelfish,Neon.,etc.
Anyway I am truly sorry that I may caused to re-adjust your temperature and it caused you to lose some Pandas. This does not make it right but I will put the caution whenever post the condition I keep my fish. After all, not all the fish alike even they are a same specie.
I don't blame you. I really do not intend that you should feel badly. It is certainly not your fault. And afterall I did get a great spawn out of it with the San Juans. Well hopefully I will get fry.

But I did think that you should know so you could give cautions. Like I said Planet Catfish recommends mid 70's for the pandas. It was probably that I lowered too fast. I lost one of the new long fins, which is reasonable as they were just shipped and are more delicate and possibly very inbred. But the one from my own stock is about a year and a half old and a regular panda. I agree that it was probably the sudden and prolonged change. I is not uncommon of course to have a cooler water change, but then the water usually returns to the normal temps and it had been normally in the low 70's.

I think it is a good idea to infuse new blood. :good:
I knew I have some eggs to collect this morning. I did the water change yesterday evening about 5 out of 10 G. And I saw the female holding her fins and looking for the place to deposit the egg last night.
Anyway, I went Sterbai tank and fed them and came back to the Panda tank. I found 25 eggs all in the moss except 1 in spawning mop and 1 on the corner of the front glass.
As always I could miss 1 or 2 but spend half a hour looking for eggs is enough. Also pick as many snails as I can find also since there are always enough in the tank it seems.
Yesterday, I decide to post on the web site for the local aquarium society to see if anyone want to adopt few of my young Pandas. I list all the water parameter I kept so they can prepare the fit tank for them. I ask for $2/fish(they are sold $4~5 around here) or some kind of trade.
I list few of the fish I am interested like some Cory, Tetras and Rams. I did asked the Panda to Panda also so I can expand the gene pool. Anyway, someone told me, she has 8 C.Melanotaenia she can trade. Although she wasn't 100% sure they are indeed C. Melanotaenia but I say I'll give her 12 young Pandas. Since she said they are about 2 1/2" and sound to me much closer to adult if they are not yet already than my Pandas. Whatever they are, I know I don't have it and haven't bred yet. So I should have some new Corys on next Tuesday night.
Anyway, I promised her 12 and 2 other person for 6 each. Also someone want 6 in April. This should give more space instead of me increase the number or size of tank. I already have 2 tanks for them. So this should work pretty good for me. New Corys and little $ to spend on aquarium stuff like silicon, sands and foods for expand water surface in the home.
Sounds like your doing really well with your pandas. Its always good to get something for free, well a trade none the less. Look forward to hearing about the new arrivals
Yes Bozza, although it is not totally free but it is pretty cool getting new fish without PAYING. Especially some new Corys that I never kept before. Although they are not my Cory wish list nor I found them paticularly pretty looking. But I'm sure I will come to like them. Beside I don't see them around the store if they are indeed C.Malenotaenia. And an another Cory I can try to get some eggs. Since I got some eggs from my Sterbai finally. :nod:
Anyway, I just try to tell whoever want to keep the Panda Corys that they would appreciate and be happier if you keep them in the cooler temperature and more water movement and higher oxygen than regular community tank.
Quite often people say that Panda is not hardy...but I suspect more than often that they are forced to live in less than optimal condition. Higher water temperature means less oxygen and I read that they are originally came from base of river near the high mountain. And they sure look happier in colder water with good water movement.

Very interesting and educational reading! Thanks and keep it up!
Thanks Biulu,

However I have to mentioned this since jollysue didn't have good result from the attempt to keep Pandas in cooler temperature didn't go well.

Generally speaking, I believe Pandas like cooler temperature with good water movement. Although there are some exceptions just like anything else. So please be careful when you try to change the water parameter. The sudden change of water parameter can be deadly. Please take long time to acclimate and no big change in a day but strech out to a week or a month.
Especially the case, they have been bred and raised in harder alkaline water. Although that would be opposite end of their natural original habitat water, they might had been accustomed to.
i'd like to agree with the low temp settings being vital, i did have 5 in my tank at about 24-25degrees, had the oldest looking one die. then had an outbreak of whitespot had to raise temp to about 26 for the treatment, another then contracted a weird, very bad swimbladder infection where the fish was stuck upside down at the top of the tank :( poor thing, so running the 3 remainging in a 7.5gallon at 22 degrees on their own with sand, bubbles and bloodworms/greens/pellets hopefully they will spawn soon

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