Hot Weather Effecting Tank Temperature


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2008
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Basingstoke, Hampshire
ok so today the weather was slightly hotter ( south east england ) i noticed that my tank has gone up from 27 to 28 degrees, the heater hasnt come on all night since i have been in from work. Im abit worried that when the weather does get much hotter outside the water temperature will rocket, do i need a cooling system to stop this or can my fish handle it? if so how long can they last.

Thanks for reading and thanks for any help that u guys can offer me.
ok so today the weather was slightly hotter ( south east england ) i noticed that my tank has gone up from 27 to 28 degrees, the heater hasnt come on all night since i have been in from work. Im abit worried that when the weather does get much hotter outside the water temperature will rocket, do i need a cooling system to stop this or can my fish handle it? if so how long can they last.

Thanks for reading and thanks for any help that u guys can offer me.
float a few ice cubes in a bag...thats what i do to bring the temp down...mines meant to be 25 and it shot up to 31 a few weeks ago :crazy:
ok so today the weather was slightly hotter ( south east england ) i noticed that my tank has gone up from 27 to 28 degrees, the heater hasnt come on all night since i have been in from work. Im abit worried that when the weather does get much hotter outside the water temperature will rocket, do i need a cooling system to stop this or can my fish handle it? if so how long can they last.

Thanks for reading and thanks for any help that u guys can offer me.

When we had that brief hot spell in early July, my tanks went to 29 degrees. None of my fish seem to mine, not even my goldfish.

I'm guessing that most fish will be fine for the short periods of warm weather we get. It must happen in nature. Still might be idea to open your windows etc to try to cool your room down. Which I'm sure you would for your own sake.
i was a bit paranoid about mine, i had a pedestal fan going next to the tank, with the lid open, and a window so that there was plenty of fresh air circulating over the tank (it did mean a hell of a lot of topping up due to evaporation lol)
Turning the lights off would probably help too, most of them aren't very efficient and send out quite a lot of heat.
Blow a small fan overr the tank, create some current, this helps cool down tanks, if your fish can ahndle current that is...
Fill two plastic bottles with water and freeze them. Take one out and place it in the tank. When it melts replace it with the other and refreeze the first. Repeat as necessary.
thanks for all the tips, atm i jsut have 5 guppys a cory( gonna get 2 more soon ) and 2 female bristlenose's, my friend said his tank was upto 32 degrees early july and his fish done fine, wot sort of temepreature would u recomend that i take these measures of cooling? obvious the 28atm was fine
thanks for all the tips, atm i jsut have 5 guppys a cory( gonna get 2 more soon ) and 2 female bristlenose's, my friend said his tank was upto 32 degrees early july and his fish done fine, wot sort of temepreature would u recomend that i take these measures of cooling? obvious the 28atm was fine

Mine is up to 28 in the heat and Ive had no obvious problems. When I lived in Oz my tank got to over 30 and I still saw no side effects. Ive always presumed this happens in the wild anyway.

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