Horse Pictures

Just an overall horse show. It was only a few years back when I saw my first mini...I though they were soo funny! cute and full of character :wub: ...I nominate the 2 mini's scratching each others backs for POTM too :D !!!
sooooo cute!!!

they had a mini on a daytime tv show in the UK a while ago (Richard & Judy = <3)
it was the smallest one in the UK! it's hoof diameter was the same as a 50p piece (that's like around 4cm)

he was adorable, and his best friend was a great dane that was ENORMOUS, dwarfed the lil pony. heehee.
Ethos - Ah, I see! Do they have a special Mini class, or do you just see them in grooming and showmanship or what?

Toxis - Thanks for the second! They are full of character, you're right. Especially the first stallion...I can't get over the "Want a piece of me?" look. :lol: You should see him with Phantom. They are in neighborign pastures, but that doesn't stop them from trying to bite through the fence. Yesterday, Phantom stuck his head through all the way, ready to bite. And the stallion just looked at him from about 5 feet away like "Do I look stupid?". Ahhh, priceless.

Catxx - Wow, that is a tiny Mini! I saw one at our local show here, he was about 12" tall. Soooo cute. This one farm breeds very small ones like that, but I prefer my "drafty" ones a little better. Actually, some of these are too big..they are going to get over Mini height limits when full grown. Oops. :*)

PT - Thanks for the second, though I guess it will be a third since Ddraig and Toxis already took care of it. But thanks! :D I'll work on those pictures, don't worry.
Yeah, Shetlands are pretty cute too! What kinds of horses do your cousins have?
Ethos - Ah, I see! Do they have a special Mini class, or do you just see them in grooming and showmanship or what?
They do.
Well, atleast the minis run around the arena a few times...usually pulling a buggie with people on em...
Erg...You guys are sucking me in....I'm almost interested in horses...almost!
I think it'd be kinda weird if a guy my age joined a barn....hmhm....Lol, my sister took 6 lessons and quit..
Ah, driving. That is so cute. :wub:

Come on, get into horses! You know you want to. ;) It wouldn't be weird if a guy your age joined a barn! I'm guessing you are about 13-14, am I right? Some of the best riders in the World are men! And it's always good to get an early start. :D
Lol...yeah, I guess.
It would be inresting, maybe I could get a friend to do it with...What do you do in a lesson? Do you just ride around in circles the whole time?
Plus, especially right now, I don't have enough money to get a $8,000 horse, or even a $500 (If you can even find a decent one that cheap..)
Depends on the place you do lessons. Most places teach you the basics (hopefully), then some have you ride around in circles doing it. Some do trail rides, some do jumping, some do a little dressage, some do a combination. It really depends on where you go. :)

If you go to a lesson barn, chances are you don't need a horse. Most will supply you with one, and if you really get into it you can lease one. :thumbs:

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