Hobby Enjoyment.


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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who here actually enjoys every second of the hobby?

personally i hate it sometimes, when stuff goes wrong or when its maintainence time.
Recently i have lost the thrill with the hobby, but hopefully soon my 4x2x2 will be going.

Im not looking forwad to planting 20+ pots of acicularis though. :lol:
i love it personally, my only problem is i only have one tank... so i lose interest in my fish to some degree pretty quickly. When i get new fish i'm always really fascinated by the whole deal for a week or two but once that feeling goes away i always want to try something new. i'm think im finally satisfied with my set up though, i'll try to keep this one going.
For me doing new setups researching new fish etc is what keeps me so interested I think. If I only had one small tank or my tanks were all stocked I would probaly start to lose interest for awhile but id be back. I'm like that with all my hobbys I haven't played my 360 or my PS3 for over a month because I have got seriously into this latley. Even when I do lose interest I don't get rid of anything I just don't get on here much and don't do any research. A few months ago when I got really back into fish keeping because my oscar got hith I have been more serious with the hobby then I ever had before.
Me personally, I love it, but I have this problem, Its called newtanksyndrome, its when you get tired of your old tank and just buy and set up a new tank. It gets to be expensive, and is a very incurable illness :shifty: LOL But fish are so relaxing and its nice to come home, crash on the couch and kick back with the dog and watch the fish. :wub:
I love it, even all the annoying water changes, but the enjoyment is worth it. Wish I had more room though?
I actually love every second of it. I even enjoy doing maintenance. Even when things go horribly wrong, I still look at it as a new chance to learn something. It's just a very enjoyable hobby to me. I also build and maintain computers, but I get more pleasure from fishkeeping.
One of the parts of the hobby that I enjoy most is being on this forum. I have learned A LOT since I have been a member here, and unlike school... I have actually enjoyed learning about fish, and how to keep them ect.

One think that I don't like though, are water changes... One of the reasons that I am motivated to keep on witht the water changes is because I know after the water change, my fish will be happier, and my tank will be cleaner. It is a great hobby to be involved in. Even though it can be very expensive at times.

Another thing that I consider partr of the hobby is going to my local aquarium society meetings. I have met friends at the meetings. All of them are considerably older than me, but I love to talk about just fish with them. This is a hobby that I will never regret getting into.
I love every second of it, even all of the maintenance. Only thing i dont like about it is seeing one of my fish take a turn for the worst... :/
other than that i love it all
i love almost ever min, the only part i get rattled at is priming my filter its a right #28### to get going :D
I love almost every second. When Something goes wrong it's not fun. But I like cleaning my tanks. I don't even mind cleaning the filter.

Sure there are times when I don't feel like doing a water change. But then there are days when I am all about it.

Setting up a new tank is fun aquascaping is fun too. Cycleing inhard it and don't ever want to do it again.
I love it (so far only just got back into fish keeping) except when my fish get an illness as i feel its all my fault...
I love it. I love looking after them. Just finding the time for all the maintainence is hard. Got 8 tanks up at the moment.

Which reminds me . .. *toodles off to change the girls' water and muck about with some plants*

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