Hillstream Loach

Pooping is an excellent sign. 78F is not too bad, but some current and high O2 are essential if you want him to live for a long time.

G.ctenocephalus and G.scitulus are very similar and it makes not difference for care; both have a pattern of dots. G.ctenocephalus appears to be much more common. If you want to find out what you got, make the photos of the dorsal (top) and caudal (tail) fins when they are fully open.---this, btw, is usually easier to do when the animal sits on a stone.
His fins never go up... I saw them go up once for a second while he was moving on the gravel... What's the common name for those species anyways?
You'll have to wait until he opens the fins again. This usually happens when it sits on a stone/ground, in the presence of other similar hillstreams, but they will occasionally open up the fins even if no one is around. This is the way to ID the species if you want to do it.

Common names are plenty and stupid. If you actually have a Gastro, then "Borneo Sucker" is the most used one.
I got the pitures! I am posting 2 pictures for you.

Here is my Hillstream loach.

And to show you that the building is actually ruins, here is a picture of my tank that I just took.
The fish is surely a Gastro but too much out of focus to know what kind. Try again: see if your camera has Macro setting.

I think this kind of building is fine in providing sitting places...you don't really need stones. But you do need current, a small powerhead close to the bottom will make it better for the fish.

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