Hillstream Loach In 24oc


Live life, don't let it live you!
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Darlington, England, United Kingdom
Could I move my hillstream loach into my 24oC tropical tank? Just in the current tank is quite small, and has no water flow at all! Also it has no oxygen, and my main tank has plenty!
Your "tropical tank" that contains the coldwater blackmoors ? :/ or what other tank are you thinking of ?
The one that contains the black moores. I'm sure they would prefer to be in a 15G warm tank than a 4G cold tank? Don't you? They both swim around more, rather than lying on the bottom looking dead.
Are you saying that you keep your blackmoors at 24C ? :/ Why not just turn that tank into a coldwater tank ? They shouldn't be in anything more than 68F (20C) - but then again they shouldn't even be in a tank that small :-(
At this point I give up. Neal, I'm sorry to say but you've had so much advise here and you keep asking the same questions and getting the same answers. It's really going nowhere. You know you need to sort your fish out and you've been given enough advise time and time again to know how to do that now.

I wish you and your fish the best of luck.
Here's an idea. If you have no intentions of properly caring for your fish, rehome them. Yes, I'm sure they'd be happier in water that is too warm than dying of cramping and ammonia poisoning in an even smaller tank... but I'm sure more than anything, they'd like to have an owner who cares enough about them to provide them with proper living conditions. Do all of your fish a favor and return the ones you are not suited for to your LFS, or alternately, get everything you need for them to survive and have a normal, healthy lifespan in the proper conditions.
IMO the loaches have little or no chance of lasting long in either of the tanks you have mentioned.
Edit: My previous comment was a real rant and quite unnecessary... hence removed

However... the sheer stupidity of this .... people should stop using the site if they are not going to listen to good advice.

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