New Member
Hello. Just let me start out by saying that I apologize in advance for my future posts. Because most likely, they will all be somewhere in the Newbie and Health sections here. If there was a section titled "Help, I am clueless", that's where you'd find me. And I've apologized to my ryunkin gold (Captain) in advance as well. I've done pretty well with my ADF's, but i haven't had the pair long (Lou and Pearl). Captain was doing good in his 2 1/2 tank, but he was outgrowing it. To make a long story short (well, actually the story isn't quite over), I just relocated Captain to a 10 gal. aquarium, and my frogs are in limbo (in the 2 1/2 gal.) for about two weeks until I get my second 10 gal. I grew up with a tank, but I don't have much experience on my own. I've been researching and reading like mad to learn how to take care of my critters. This forum is a great resource.
-Cincinnati, Ohio
-Cincinnati, Ohio