hi i have tiger burbs, mollys' silver sharks' and a pleco i have been treat fresh water be fore adding to the tank i have bee using aqua plus to get rid of chlorine it's mainly my tiger burbs that are dying i had the tank set up and running for 7 days and then had the water tested before adding fish and the test came back ok and i was told i could add fish i ask the woman how many can i keep and she said go and pick the one you want and i will tell you when thats enough i add pick 8 fish to go in my 90 liter tank and she said that would be fine but not to add any more about a week which i did then i added some more tiger burbs that were green in colour do you think i should go and do a part water change
You are going to need to get yourself a test kit. Your tank is going through a process called cycling (developing the nitrogen cycle), where ammonia (highly toxic) is brocken down into nitrate (only toxic in large ammounts). This is done by bactira in your filters, that have to be built up over time, to allow the tank to keep your fish healthy. Untill you get a test kit, you need to be doing 50% water changes twice a day, to keep the ammonia down, while the bactiria build up to deal with the ammonia. These bactiria will break the ammonia down into nitrite. Nitrite is still toxic to fish, at any leavle that is detectable. Nitrite is eventualy brocken down into nitrate, by another set of bactiria, to comlete the nitrogen cycle in the aquarium.
Cycling with fish, as you are doing at the moment, is very hard work. At the end though, the results of your labors will be very rewarding. Next time you cycle a tank, it may be worth doing a fishless cycle. I'll try to get you a link to the fishless cycling thread soon.
For now, 50% waterchanges twice a day untill you get your test kit. Once you have your test kit, post your results on here, so we can take things from there. Once you have your kit, me(or another forum member) will go through the acceptable and ideal readings for your tank, and advise you on how to get your water within the acceptable range as soon as possible. You are going to need the following as soon as you can get them;
ammonia/ammonium test kit
nitrIte test kit
nitrAte test kit
pH test kit
HTH and welcome to the forum